Sam Roberts is a piece of shit.

135  2017-05-05 by cbanks420lol



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Go ahead, TACCOM.

Need a wife?

The Salacious Sam Roberts will not appreciate this...

Hot Take.

At least Cumia knew enough to hate interviews. Ant never wanted any stars. Opie even liked the Big stars and tried to get them to "just hang man". Cringe

A real walnut whip with pubes stuck to the peak

Thank you for sayin what had to be said

Evidently not enough people pay money to hear and see him that he keeps employment.

So by your logic Opie is okay too. Retract this nonsense at once and hang your head in shame.

Opie has been losing shit since Ant got fired, but you obviously know this.. Right now he has a small segment on someone else's channel that use to be his channel.. Hang your head because I'm not as in to any of this..

because I'm not as in to any of this

So fucking cool.

I didn't think you'd notice..

I didn't read the why, I just upvoted the sentiment.

There isn't enough time in the day to discuss every single reason why Sam Roberts and his IMAX theater sized skull are useless and awful.

hes terrible in every way possible, his face, his voice, his interests, his loyalty, etc

It's spot on.

i concur

sam is awful

That's a polite way of saying it.

Back seat broadcasters huh? Where is your 30 min shitshow? Upload a 10 min monologue atleast you cowards.


Yes I am that wrong horse chooser. I just like Sam because he does a great chip chippperson "A fawken godd damnnniit"

Gilgore is our voice

Yeah what do you do for a living, character?

go around Yelling "Yessssss" like a big gay bear. more correctly I am looking for jobs. IDK how interested in my redditors are but yea. I personally enjoy Sam for emulating chip chipperson

He's a worthless squeaky voiced mutant

What a scoop


Watch out before Struff finds out you been talking shit.

It would be a shame if that photo of him sucking on a dildo sticking out of Erock's pants was to ever resurface...

Somebody told me Sam Roberts is a piece of shit, and I had no choice but to believe him.

His hatred for the jews is his only redeemable quality

I appreciate his views on Jews and the Holocaust, but yes.

Sam's or Carlton's?

You are what you eat.

This is Sam


This has been confined by the Pentagon

Roger that

What's the haps?!

and Opie sucks too

Cbanks420lol is my favourite user

He really is a smarmy little douche with erectile dysfunction raising someone else's child

He's way more than a piece.
Easily a large mound.

I truly thought that this sub did an outstanding job eviserating Opie and even contributed to shortening his career arc...the rage I've felt toward this monumental blob fish of a man has since dissipated (well, for the most part). But now my utter contempt has jumped to Roberts with nearly the same ferocity. I beg all of you to continue a campaign to rid the airwaves of this grotesquery. I've rarely seen anyone with his number of deformities/defiencies coupled with such high self-esteem and zero self-awareness. Please, let's do our best to break his spirit and, thus, his will to live. Yes, I'm in therapy for anger issues--what about it?

Too many words bud

200% SHIT!

He's better than Opie when he's not babbling about wrestling at least.

Are we really looking to Opie as the comparison to anything? Who isn't?

He's as talentless and boring as opie

I like the guy, but he stinks when he is with Jim. Jim stinks.

hes terrible in every way possible, his face, his voice, his interests, his loyalty, etc

Yes I am that wrong horse chooser. I just like Sam because he does a great chip chippperson "A fawken godd damnnniit"