When will Alex Jones report on the string of suspicious child dehydration cases?

32  2017-05-05 by TinKnockinMoroccan

My sources tell me that it appears as though the children have had all of their bodily fluids systemically drained from the oral cavity. There have also been reports an two men of African or middle eastern descent harassing children in the long island area. If the info wars team is truly committed to stopping child predators, why are they refusing to cover this story?


The SAMCRO Homo, like all cuckservatives, gets a pass on his child raping from Alex Jones.

A tiny Edgar is Brother Joe's worst nightmare.

Where on Long Island, where is this from? Source. Fwd it to News 12 LI, they'll cover it.

We've seen the documents, folks!

The dreaded Wopacabra