Go have a look at Patton Oswalt's twitter. He's about to have a breakdown over the Obamacare repeal.

5  2017-05-04 by [deleted]



He really is a clueless little wife murdering troll.

Lots of caps lock and fear mongering

Why does he freak out like this now? It also has to happen in the senate, and that's where the issue is going to be since the Republican majority is much smaller in the senate.

Cause everyone is hyper-freaked out (including me). Its a monstrosity of a bill if you have a pre-existing condition. I dont think that will hold in the Senate, but every step closer is scary AF.

Not everyone. Republicans won 3 out of 4 elections and 1,000 state seats since it passed. That doesn't seem too popular to me.

Not saying Obamacare is popular/good. Never said that. The pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps regulations are VERY popular. Not to mention being a universal good.

he pre-existing conditions and lifetime caps regulations are VERY popular.

And it would probably be in whatever makes it out of the senate. This was just to throw the hardliners a bone to say "See, we tried." They'll give those and leave Medicade to the states to decide.

Not to mention being a universal good.

It's good if you want to pay taxes that European countries with it do. And Americans will always have a knee jerk reaction against higher taxes since the country was founded on hating higher taxation.

I came here because I was curious if anyone caught Jeff Garlin's comment that Oswalt's wife died of natural causes.

Why do they keep saying this? They don't say this about other people that overdose, so why does she get a pass?

She was naturally smothered.

That fat fuck doesn't know what "natural causes" means. He'll probably drop dead at 54 over "natural causes" himself, aka too many burgers.

He'll probably drop dead at 54

he has a month before he turns 55 so he will probably be ok

Why does he care? He already killed his wife with drugs that were freely given to him by Obamacare. Who does he want to kill next? Is he already growing tired of his child?

His lust for blood knows no bounds.

He is a menace


In spring, even the last snowflake has to melt away.

I'll do what I can to make November 6, 2018 a dawn-to-dusk nightmare for the GOP. Fuck these smirking, entitled frauds. Tick tick tick.

Him shutting the fuck up might help out a little bit. Celebrities never have a positive impact on whatever political party they're supporting. Remember at the DNC when Sarah Silverman told Bernie supporters they were acting like children for booing Hillary? How'd that work out? How did Patton's obsession with Trump and his constant stream of Trump hate work out?

This is the tweet I was hoping everyone would see. He's not going to make 2018 a "dawn to dusk nightmare" for the Republicans. He's going to sit and fucking tweet like the whiny bitch that he is. I don't have a problem with celebrities talking about politics. But fucking celebrities like Patton are fuckin annoying

I don't really get why Obama care was so hated? How is the gop bill not going to mean more taxation?

It's like, I technically agree with Patton but I hate how he's reacting right now. Totally unacceptably gay behavior.

That's the power of liberals. They make you HATE them even if you're on their side.