T minus 45 minutes until the Opster butchers the airwaves

9  2017-05-04 by bedheadarchive


sizzling up the satellite signals with carl ruiz, sherrod small, and vic henley

Pump it Up!

it's spelled Opester you retard and today's show is going to be awesome.

I like opster.... makes him sound more like a hip doctor who surgically removes the funny from whatever room he is in.

HOLD ON HOLD ON!! we're doin a fawkinn opesterectomy today, lil bit lil bit

You're a fucking faggot, unless you're being facetious, which in that case: ME: Bravo!

Idfk bro if poster sounds like Opster why the fuck would I add an E? May as well add the I too "you retard"

It's spelled opester on all the t-shirts the destroyer sells on opieradio.com. check out the dropping hammers shirt for example.

It says " dropping hammers all day long -the opester" on the shirt I'm wearing right now! Any true pest would know this

I've just started listening within the year. I've just never seen it written I guess

I made that damn mistake, Ope doesnt fuck around.

BTW he said yesterday how sick in the head people are to obsessively hate on someone for years. Kind of like he has done for 2 decades with howard stern...

He would literally stop the show when someone he didn't like would walk by the studio.

I was listening mate. Lol, it was a complete joke I know what you're saying 100 percent lmao

T minus is a pretty low grade you know. tssss

Tsssssssss T minus? What's that, you have low t-cells cuz of teh AIDS or sumthin'

Flip Chipperson: Chip's smarter brother.

Fuck Mary. JAZZ IT UP

What's the Mary nonsense? I tweeted the chef has to fake laugh 50x/hour in order to plug his chicken shack, and a bunch of his faggots started getting tough and calling me Mary.

I can't tell if they're 80s tough by calling me some girl's name, trying to sneak in an extra plug for Marie's Chicken Deli, or something equally pathetic.

Do you even listen to the show ?

I tried months ago but it's just so tedious, repetitive, unfunny, tedious, and repetitive. If you can relay the origin of "Mary" in its original, humorous context I may consider.

Some bitch complaining about the show calls in tells Carl off about talking cooking and he said fuck you Mary. Just go on YouTube it's up

I'll give Carl props because Opie's two "comedians" don't know what to say in order to toe the company line and are too dull to improv for a minute because their boss is just sitting there on his fucking phone like always. Then when Sherrod gets the go ahead for his minstrel show, he staht shucki'n'jivin n fuggin fugg you Mary n sheet!

But the painfully unfunny screaming, clapping, YYYYEAAAHH, pointing, LOOK HOW MUCH FUN WE'RE HAVING YAAAY! crap is awful. It's also hilarious this official video has half the views of the auto-play video of a listener I've never heard of.

tbh I used to be an Ellis fan years ago. I listen to Gavin mcinnes and Steven crowder, about 8-9 months actually I got into opie's show. I really do like it. I'm assuming you're a long time fan? What's something good to listen too you suggest ?

I listened to Faction because it's the only punk, ska, and non-indie alternative music station on SXM and thought I was supposed to like Ellis but just couldn't. Sometimes his interviews are all right but mostly just annoying. My white collar Dad of all people got me into O&A in the early 2000's when it was pretty much the only show anywhere not on premium cable with raunchy, "avant-garde" shit. I didn't listen much in 2008-2013 because of the podcast boom.

I've NEVER liked Opie and well before the sub and even social media, whenever he would start trying to be funny, clever, join in a conversation, or his "hilariously mispronounces things guy" I would just groan "GODDDD SHUT THE FFFFUCK UP OPIE". I eventually got my dad to do it too. Because I was young, I just blindly assumed O&A actually liked each other because why else would you work with someone you hate.

If you are asking for O&A "best of" bits, I would just start with the VideOandA YouTube channel and go from there.

If you mean other stuff to listen to, I really can't stand most "comedian" podcasts. My favorites that I listen to every episode are

  • The Bugle, political/historical satire. Formerly with John Oliver, now with a rotating co-host but Nish Kumar is BY FAR the best. I went back and listened to every episode and although it's "current events," they still hold up and I loved them

  • SModcast and Hollywood Babble-On because I still love Kevin Smith no matter what

  • Trivia shit like Tell Me Something I Don't Know and Ask Me Another

  • General knowledge like Freakonomics, Stuff You Should Know, and Stuff You Missed in History Class (although I really can't stand the ladies)

  • soccer podcasts, in order: Football Ramble, Football Weekly and Men in Blazers

  • Real Time with Bill Maher because although I do loves his cuntiness, I can't stand to watch it

And I recently got an Audible subscription, making my way through Game of Thrones.


The complaining is shitty, on bad days I just listen to opie and Anthony episodes I've never listened too.

ME: Li'l bit, li'l bit...

Did we really need a countdown?


You didn't get one cunt. Ya got a notification to countdown yourself from 45 minutes

better than sam

He would literally stop the show when someone he didn't like would walk by the studio.

I was listening mate. Lol, it was a complete joke I know what you're saying 100 percent lmao