I found the Audio to when Self Cutter Girl was exposed as a man.....Jimmy said he always knew it was a guy.......

15  2017-05-04 by sarahemmingway


This is when ant was trying to groom this 15 year old he bought her presents......its really distrubing

I've been backing through the archives too and Anthony can be a real piece of shit, I dont wanna be out of context guy tho

How old are you?

I'll make a clip of this NICE FIND

Was the "hunter" Keith or as Danny implied, "Kurt Love"?

It was Jordan Hembrough. He was mentioned in earlier threads. The retarded pedo never even deleted his tweets to the guy.

...... Yikes.

Oof my comment hasnt aged well at all considering I'm all in on this kind of thing these days...

I upoveted it ;)

I never knew that the pedophile (in addition to Anthony) had been solidly identified. Does he still have some show? Has he been outed publicly as a kid fucker? I really wish that guy had saved texts/DMs.

anthony acutally outted him here on reddit i think

He looks like Papa John had an even creepier, effeminate looking son.

Didn't he come on here and say he didn't get catfished? He fucking even admits it in the audio by using the word catfish.

I listened and it was all about the JFK assassination at 1:47. I think you timestamp is off.

i said 1 hour and 47 mins in....

I tried again. You're right I think I accidentally clicked on a different day's audio.

Here is a clip for easy access https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqPeHmg_uSA

So based on the audio and the pastebin text, it's safe to say that Sam knows the "Hunter" as he called Sam and Sam told Anthony. Sam says it himself that he got a call from someone who shouldn't be named.

So could it be Keith?

Wait, so some guy was catfishing Anthony pretending to be a teenage girl and when Anthony finds out about it he's all disgusted by people being creepy and bitches about online anonymity? Wow, what a fucking ingrade.

I also hate anyone in general who is against online anonymity. Don't spend time there, if it's scawy to your fee fees, you cunts!

tss more like an outgrade


Yeah, the guy trying to fuck a minor calling someone else a psycho creep is real rich.

From what I read, the guy realizes he was being a creep, He also tried to defend Anthony, saying wasn't that bad compared to some other people. Specifically the "Toy Hunter" guy.

wow Opie was in the right here

It was fairly obvious. What kind of 15 year old tweets Columbo references?

My kind of 15 year old.

It's even creepier now listening to Ant play dumb about it

i dont want to listen to these retards but i cant believe norton knew anything beforehand, how did he find out tho?

to be fair, she (he) probably would've taken ME for a biscuit

i said 1 hour and 47 mins in....