Netflix Apparently Edits Old Bill Nye Episode To Remove Scene Stating There Are Only 2 Genders

49  2017-05-04 by DoubleGunsSockCucka


Aye Nye!!

Bill Nye is reaching Big Amy levels of hateable.

I didn't mind his crusade on Global Warming, but now his faggy love affair with social justice issues has been unbearable.

I hope a large colored man beats him bloody at a Dennys.

tss more like reginald dennys or sumthin

Damn how gracious of you to not mind his crusade on global warming. You think it's a hoax, retard?

No one likes a blowhard douche with no advanced degrees in the field he drones on about.

so like half of US politicians, gotcha.

I'd really love to see his smug face smashed into his Moons Over My-Hammy.

I saw him in a presentation giving a hypothetical story about a fox or something and he was tripping over himself assuring everyone that the fox in the pretend example was female. It was completely irrelevant to the story and ridiculous. I wish I could remember the topic.

Milo? Is that peado protector still trying? What a creep.....

who gives a fuck

I'm sure you wish people would ignore this considering your faggy post history. Your posts are indistinguishable from the average redditor.


Are you austistic?

Which is worse? A gay pedophile named Milo with his own website or a tryhard scientist on Netflix?

The latter

How embarrassing for you, not knowing the difference between former and latter.

Oh you

Recommended for you: A cock down your throat.


kill yourself bill

tss fukkin good one bill!

Look, I don't want anybody to get fired for their beliefs, for shit they say, etc.

But if someone on the right side gets fired for saying shit, shouldn't people who have beliefs to the left of center be treated equally?

Paula Deen said "nigger" into a pillow in 1962. She admitted to it, tearfully, begging for forgiveness and she was still got the axe.

She's not even political she's just a fat old white lady from the South.

I don't want people fired, I just want these fucking gay ass rules to be the same for everyone, or more ideally, for them to just fucking not exist.

Because otherwise, they're just a political whipping post.

Paula Deen is worthless. Her product is Paula Deen and Food Network contracted with her to help sell Paula Deen. People didn't tune into her shit because she's such a good cook and really informative, they like seeing the folksy old southern lady and have a chuckle that shes smearing mayonnaise on everything. Then when it comes out that Paula Deen isnt your fairytail grandma her product turns to shit and isnt saleable anymore. If she offered something of value they couldnt move on from her so quickly, but she doesnt and they instantly replaced her with like 5 identical shows. Its a metaphoric deal with the devil. If you become a brand you dont get to say when the brand ends and you begin.

I saw a few minutes of some show where PD was at her own home... Dog shit everywhere. And she's the kind of person who just picks it up and doesn't spot clean or treat the remaining shit residue.

I heard a few minutes of some show where Opie was at his own home... Bam's cum everywhere. And he's the kind of person who just wipes it up with his sock and doesn't spot clean or treat the remaining cum residue.

The #FireColbert people are just attempting to play by the liberal rules. I don't think he should be fired. But if he said "Obama's mouth is the Ayatollah's cock holster" during a bit on the Iran deal they would have put a rerun on that night and fired him.

i was just listening to the b-b-b-boys and CQ talk about about this. here is a link. (also the impractical joker fellows are in studio eventually)


I would click on the link but milo's site puts pedo spam on your computer.

But there ARE only two genders. This postmodern normalisation of an obvious mental disease has gone too far!

literally fake news

Wow that is insane. Literally trying to rewrite history.

Happens all the time actually. Japan rewrote their school history texts and edited out some of their war atrocities iirc. I never read about history with the belief that everything or anything is 100% true

You do realize Unit 731 was a hoax right?

Non-Mobile link:

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Now no one can deny they changed the ratings system because of Amy.

You have poof this was netflix... where?

that site puts fast-files on your computer; RAPIDO-FILES

Bill "Deblasio" Nye