James Norton farts on cats. Has Beavis also been a victim?

2  2017-05-03 by opestersmammarydrip


That poor cat has seen things that would make red-headed stepchildren feel privileged.

Look at the pain in that cat's eyes.... like a Nam vet who saw 6 tours.

Instead of seeing splattered gook guts in his nightmares....

He has visions of seeing a pink-socked Sue Lightning...or savage beatings of a 92lb girl whilst his master screams for his gun.
Poor fella.

I know exactly what he means about doing stuff like that as a kid to your cat.... I never did the cruel stuff other kids did to animals, i'd never shoot at an animal with a bb gun, but farting on things was fair game.

I never harmed an animal. I did piss my bed and start fires. 2/3 dont make me a serial killer.

Farting on cats is actually really funny because of how dignified they look while it's happening.

Aw look at his lil belly

I haven't seen that cat since Esther Ku Koo was at the, oh shit,Korean savage.Fucking Asians will eat anything that crawls.