Male models have less lighting than these fairies.

2  2017-05-03 by Ant_Sucks


Brittany has some nice fawkin TITS

FAT tits. Very important to note.

Whooizz diz bitch?

Yet another alt-lite whore leech. She appeared first on the stream and she's been flying over that circlre for attention ever since. She's basically yet another Lady Alchemy type, just uglier and less broadcast savvy, which is sad. The funny part is that Lady A. got all defensive and pissy when she was brought up on Gavin's show. She's afrad of the new generation of leeches.

Anywhere large groups of men hang out, you're sure to find a few pathetic women there trying to get attention.

Giant nips are great.

It's to take the shadows out of the green screen. Problem is, it's too much which exasperates that green bleed over on their skin/hair.

Individually placed follicles*

Well, if they didn't sit 1 meter away from the green screen, there would be much less or no bleed. If they just added a dome light to give them a slight halo, the keying would work very well. But they do so many mistakes, like somehow have a much lower resolution and sharpness in the people compared to the green screen, completely destroying the effect they are going for.

Besides, green screen is for amateurs who want to appear like big shots, when they in reality look really low rent.

Building a set and just adding three vertical screens behind them would look 10x better.

I'm glad they're doing everyone wrong.

I've worked for a lot of jerk offs in TV production. But observing the Cumia operation is just an impressive level of waste and production retardation.

I'm glad this girl is getting attention, it's clearly what she doesn't want.

How better it is to strike a match than curse the darkness