The person behind Opie's firing.

33  2017-05-03 by Opieisgod


Dave is the puppet master.

Both Keith Maresca and Scott Greenstein refer to him.

I love how Dave said nobody at Sam's wedding wanted to hang out with Opie's and that he has no friends.


Dick holder 187654 buddy


I really don't get his appeal to you guys. I mean, I get it, he shoved shit up his ass on radio and did crazy stunts. That's literally peepee poopoo butthole shit that 4 year olds find funny. I've never laughed once at anything he's said or done.

you get what you get with dave. there's no deceit to him, he's not smart enough to be guileful nor does he try. We listen to shitty people as a hobby and sometimes it's refreshing to have an enthusiastic idiot instead of just stupid assholes.

Dave was really at his best when he was fucking with people, especially the Big Cat

He and Earl had the best chemistry.

Radio people are so self-important. Don't they realize that no one outside NYC knows who half the people SiriusXM hired are? For a few seconds, I thought this was Jason Ellis with hair.

Dave is an unfunny droop face retard. I don't get why people give a fuck about what he's bitching about this Wednesday. His "sports show" was a joke and a time slot fill.

Opie sucks too, but at least Opie knows radio and has pretty much done more than ESD ever will

reminder: this retard signed his soul to the cumio for 50$ a show

I don't want to talk out of turn, but he may have had a drink or two before filming this.

I wonder if Dave has ever seen a correlation between his rampant alcohol abuse and peeing out his ass.

ESD <333

Dave shut up your wife cheated and then left you.

Dave as much as Opie sucks he's not the reason you're a failure. Let it go.

If he even had an ounce of redeemability, I would feel a little bad for opie. But he doesn't so finally some stoned guy tells the truth

ESD put Opie in the jungle.

Dave was really at his best when he was fucking with people, especially the Big Cat

He and Earl had the best chemistry.