Reasons This Sub Hates Opie 3/32

5  2017-05-03 by [deleted]

Opie steals a line from Jimmy after being smashed by Fez...

From when Fez smashed him: (1 min 2-18 secs)

And from when Patrice smashed Jimmy: (7 mins 25-45 secs)



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This might be the most erudite reference ever on /r/opieandanthony, good work fellow degenerate

Don't act like you didn't get that from a TIL thread, you fucking zilch.


Remember when opie wanted to get his "fezs from around the globe" bit going, and keep repeating it over and over and over and over and over.....

Opie ruined opie and Anthony for me

It's always about the bit for him, and people actually live with him in real life. Just ask them, he ruins everything for everyone.

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HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 63746

This might be the most erudite reference ever on /r/opieandanthony, good work fellow degenerate

Don't act like you didn't get that from a TIL thread, you fucking zilch.