Amy called out Sam for his wrestling obsession and shitty questions

16  2017-05-03 by Dennyislife

Face turn?


big whoop. we do that every day

Holy shit, is our material getting Schumered?

I think I see a new urban dictionary entry.

I think she picked up on sams little jab when she was describing her new movie, sam said "hasn't that movie already been done"

If Sam said that to her, he gets some points in my book.

thief! we came up with that, ages ago. check the tape

She was researching our sub to see who's behind the joke thieving stuff, then she saw us trashing Sam and stole that

She is a horrible pig. Fuck you and her.

She probably stole those questions from this sub.

Amy's face turn would have upended all the radio equipment in that studio, guaranteed