Notoriously cheeky rascal Jim Norton is sitting on $60k like a mother hen keeping her eggs warm in the winter

24  2017-05-03 by Crownenberg


"It all accounted for! The money is all here!" - Jim Morton

Hey now, he's just being responsible, he got a good tip that inflation is about to head back in the other direction, and he'll be able to get 12 seasons of cartoons out of that money.


He blew it on trannies long ago

Do you think James "I don't trust banks" "SSSSCUMBAGS" "High school dropout" "Doesn't understand the financial system" "I believe that South Park 'And It's Gone' scene even though that doesn't literally happen in real life" Norton at least has that $60k wisely invested, or do you think it's stuffed in his mattress, being eroded by inflation?