Whoever did this made Lindy West's Book

84  2017-05-03 by oldchunkofcoal



There are multiple chapters dedicated to her debate with Jim Norton and the residual O&A fan trolling, including verbatim tweets and messages sent to her. Well done fellas.

We should continue our good work

"Men, you will never understand. Women, I hope I helped. Comedy, you broke my heart."

The bacon cheeseburgers broke it long before comedy ever even had a shot.

lol someone from here made her lose her mind

What happened with Jim? Was she just a big fat guest on the show or are they friends?

Well, how does it end with Jim? Did he fuck her????? I need some answers.

They debated rape jokes on Kumau Bell's old FX show:


It's obvious that this debate is a huge source of humiliation for her. Jim wiped the fucking floor with her and made her sound ridiculous. This really stuck in her hoof.

That's one of Norton's finest moments. Reasoned and concise in a lot of his responses/opinions.

I love her example of a rape joke: "Somebody raped someone..it was me!" Hilarious. You can tell she had a well thought out rebuttal based on that joke.

Oh cbanks you rascal

Hypothetically if I were to do such a thing it's because I saw someone else do it and I copied them so I can't be sued for harassment.

Nah, he'd just tweet her gross porn clips.

it has to be cbanks

Not enough trap porn clips.

Why were you reading this

The same reason I've read Mein Kampf: alternative viewpoints are interesting.

Can you post the rest of the page with Jim's response? I'm sure I'm not the only gossipy hen who is kinda interested to read it.

Sure, but there's a lot of content; his response isn't a significant part of it. Honestly you are better off getting the book: literally 1/4 of it is Jim Norton/O&A/rape joke controversy content.

I will not conribute to those sales

Visit your library.

Steal it


Don't you ever bring up the master piece of lit that is Mein Kampf in the same breath as Lindy West's shit book ever again. You fucking faggot.

I know you're being ironic but Mein Kampf is a boring, rambling, repetitive, disjointed display of misguided reason--far from a masterpiece of literature. At least Lindy's was a quick read compared to the long-winded drivel of an uneducated idealogue who evokes Darwin and Nietzsche without even understanding them.

I think we can all agree his heart was in the right place


Billy Joe Shaver is decidedly non-jew.

To be fair he wrote Mein Kampf in prison.

He didn't write shit. He dictated unprepared ramblings to Hess, who did his best to edit them into something resembling a book. The OP was right, it's an appalling book and just comes across as the impotent rantings of an uneducated rage filled man. In that way, it's not too dissimilar to Jim Norton's magnum opus, "I Hate Your Guts."

Take this back.

Well if THAT'S the case, why would you be reading Mein Kampf?

Haha you dumb fat cunt

I'm going to shove a fishing knife down her throat tbh

Wow, I literally just cannot believe that Jim Norton has crazy psychotic fans who would harass people online.

I can't even

My favorite is seeing a vos plug amidst a sea of beheadings and kaviar porn

Well. You're not dead.


You heard the man

OP: why did you cut it off before it got to the part about Jim's response? I want to see how she flips it into "more Misogyny rewarded", after Jim SPECIFICALLY told us that he felt bad about bleating out the "make out" line after the debate, and how the next day he told us specifically in all seriousness to "LAY OFF HER".

That's all covered in the book, but way earlier. The lines that follow this blurb are "His response was terse and firm and invoked Bill Cosby, of all people. The comedy people consume has no bearing on how they behave any more than Bill Cosby's comedy reflected his behavior" ...and you can probably tell where she took this.

Oh cmon: Even SHE knows their whole little debacle was way before the Bill Cosby case came out. Why imply that he invoked it intentionally? It's a unfortunate circumstance at best...

His response was terse and firm and invoked Bill Cosby, of all people. The comedy people consume has no bearing on how they behave any more than Bill Cosby’s comedy reflected his behavior. But… Bill Cosby literally joked about drugging and raping women. And, in “real life,” he drugged and raped women. Comedy is real life. The Internet is real life. Jim, I realized, doesn’t care if his argument is sound—for him, this was never a real debate to begin with. Admitting that I’m right would mean admitting that he’s complicit in some truly vile shit. He’s planted his flag. He’s a wall, not a door.

OK, so she's still trying to find an "in' where she's right: Comedy must somehow dictate behavior. It can never be isolated in the clubs or wherever you've ingested it. If you say it onstage, it must happen in real life. Like how when Jim Norton would joke about biting peoples' nose bridge's in anger: You can tell by the litany of civil suits Jim has acquired from doing that, that speech dictates behavior.

What an obtuse idiot Lindsay is. Cosby did that horrid shit, but its unfortunate that he also joked about it on stage. It's not the norm that discussing horrible acts onstage means that they can or will be applied in real life. Things can be said, and not turned into a call to action for you or anyone else. Although, what feminists say on stage is essentially indoctrination and mobilization of action, for better or worse (usually worse, just look at Berkeley).


obtuse You misspelled obese

His response was terse and firm

So he banged her?

Bill Cosby literally joked about drugging and raping women

... wait, did he really?

YouTube the Spanish Fly joke.

I'm not defending that fat cunt, but the Cosby stuff wasn't a secret. Even Tina Fey made reference to it. It was just that the media downplayed it before Hannibal's comments like they downplayed the Kathleen Willey allegations against Bill Clinton before Trump made it an issue.

A jello recipe?

Does Norton know? He seemed to think they were friendly the last time he spoke about her on air.

I really hate how wingey assholes like her suggest that attacking her is the same as attacking all women, nay womanhood itself.

You don't represent all womankind you stupid fuck. We're not attacking women, we're attacking YOU. We hate YOU.

What does having wings have to do with anything?

Now, Chip.


Even if all of the attacks were coming from angry men who hate women, who gives a flying fuck? I cannot understand why someone could take things said to them on fucking Twitter so personally or seriously. Maybe there are unstable people who make genuine threats of violence, but those people exist in the world anyway and as a public figure you become visible to them. Male public figures deal with the same problem. You take steps to protect yourself, and block anyone who attacks you online. Fucking crybabies.

Nick Mullen describes her pretty well. She is a selfish twat who is only involved in causes that help her. A d even then, she doesn't care about the cause; just herself.

Nick also described his smartphone becoming noticeably lighter as soon as lindy west blocked him on twitter, one of the greatest burns I've ever heard.


Don't mind me, just middle of the road guy here, laughing at the world. Ew.

I hate people saying "That's why Trump won", because it's not, and because I'm not the biggest fan of the guy...

But Jesus these fucks, for months and months...Trump goes after Megyn Kelly "TRUMP IS ANTI WOMAN." No, you can go after -a- woman, a person of color (sorry, non-white person, the preferred nomenclature changed halfway through this post) or any minority INDIVIDUAL without going after the entire fucking group.

No matter who you are, there's somebody you don't like, it's not always going to be a cis-gendered white-male Republican.

But Lindy is the popess of self-important women!

Social Justice Warriors have daddy issues and love to be abused.

This was literally the highlight of her entire year; she would've blown every last one of you.

"He was trying to be funny, they say"

Ugh what a rotten cunt

I wonder what his terse and firm reply was?

Is this book about really awesome people?

I would never be caught high fiving someone.

Jesus Christ, the first page she's already talking about Disney cartoons.

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda enjoying it. She's a dumb-dumb but she writes well and it's entertaining enough.

She included some of the tweets she says she got after that TV show:

no need for you to worry about rape uggo

Jesus Christ this woman is about as fun as dry rape. Lighten up Lindy!

you are really annoying. Don’t worry no one would ever rape u. Worry about ur Health & the heart attack that’s coming #uglycow

I love how the Bitch complaining about rape is the exact kind of Bitch that would never be raped. Bitch have you looked in the mirror?

That big bitch is bitter that no one wants to rape her do some laps lardy holly shit her stomachs were touching the floor

There is a group of rapists with over 9000 penises coming for this fat bitch

Why is it almost all women that hate men are the most un-fuckable people ever.

Jabba has nothing to worrie about, not even a prison escapee would rape her.

There is no way a straight dude would fuck or even rape that ugly heifer. What an annoying cunt.

Wouldn’t the best ending be that Jim Norton rapes the fat girl.

A high-five isn't much of a reward for misogyny.

In my day you got a stiff drink and a pat on the back

How do I claim one of these "rewards" for being mean to fat girls with self entitlement issues? I'll settle for one of those high fives.

Typical self centered narcissistic broad. It's all about her and the fact that she's got a slit. How on Earth do car crash photos and other violent images relate to misogyny? Does she think she's special? I would guarantee those photos and many more and probably worse have been sent to men as well. Or are you unfamiliar with Jocktober or a mister Joeeph Derosa ?

Typical self centered narcissistic broad. It's all about her and the fact that she's got a slit. How on Earth do car crash photos and other violent images relate to misogyny? Does she think she's special? I would guarantee those photos and many more and probably worse have been sent to men as well. Or are you unfamiliar with Jocktober or a mister Joeeph Derosa ?

"I can’t watch stand-up now—the thought of it floods me with a heavy, panicked dread."

I think thats the high cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle

It reminds her of standing up.

Lindy West is a beautiful woman of size.

She married a man that's clearly not gay and autistic.

That guy's dad is definitely "proud of his boy."

Real men wear suits.

I think that suit is from The Gavin McInnes Collection.

Butrape by Gavin.

Butrapé, you savage.

My'man has serious summer teeth.

Actually that guy looks pretty gay and autistic imho

He's literally screeching in that photo.

He chose to wear that jacket on his big day.

He looks like the Weeknds retarded cousin

Looks like he chews on lugnuts.

Looks like Anthony, if only Ant would accept his inner queer autist and stop pretending to be white and straight.

What’s more, he actually explained the concept of rape culture on Opie & Anthony. “Her point is”—Jim felt around for words that would make sense to this audience—“uh, the term ‘rape culture’ gets thrown around a lot.” “Rape culture.” You could hear the snarl of disgust on Opie’s face. Jim cut in, gently contradictory. It’s expected of him to pile on—piling on feminists might even be in his contract—but he wouldn’t: “And maybe if someone explains exactly what [rape culture] is, maybe we are…” After the smallest of pauses, Opie offered, “A little rapey?” “Yeah. Possibly.” You can feel them figuring it out.

Opie is a rapist confirmed.

Patton was heaped with praise; finally, someone was telling it like it is; he was so, so brave.

Jesus, even when the King of Betas agrees with her she's bitter because he gets all the credit.

She mentions him in a few chapters bitterly like that. She better watch out...

If you buy horse dosages of Fentanyl it will just raise questions.

Two famous white men sniffing

I think only one of them were doing that


"Famous" seems like a stretch too.

The laughter of my peers is my reward for being a misogynist asshole. Seriously though folks you don't get rewarded for not being a misogynist asshole.

i am so fucking proud to be an Opie & Anthony listener... (salutes comp screen)

This brought a tear to my eye.

I first heard about Lindy West on the radio program [This American Life](<script src="http://audio.thisamericanlife.org/widget/widget.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <div id="this-american-life-545-1" class="this-american-life" style="width:540px;"></div>). She never mentions Opie & Anthony by name, but she talks about being trolled online after the rape joke controversy - in particular she talks about a guy trolling her by posing as her recently deceased father on twitter. It made me smile to hear her read some of the nasty comments directed at her (no doubt by O&A fans).

I first heard about Lindy West on the radio program This American Life. She never mentions Opie & Anthony by name, but she talks about being trolled online after the rape-joke controversy - in particular she talks about a guy trolling her by posing as her recently deceased father on twitter. It made me smile to hear her read some of the nasty online comments directed at her.

  • in particular she talks about a guy trolling her by posing as her recently deceased father on twitter

Oh c'mon, that's just good clean fun.

Did she fall for it at first or something? "It turned out it was actually just some guy."

Her father died from a broken heart she married a gay black man who wanted a Green Card.

Appropriate, since she will, most likely, die from a clogged heart.

Jim might have started it, but the entire /pol community hates her as well.

What's /pol? Is that like /B/?

who dis bitch?

wait..is she a great big fat person?

My god, this woman sounds psychotic.

Did this land whale really think the likes of Jim Norton could get us under control?

Daily reminder Jim called this woman reasonable.

High five

this bitch is making things up, believe me.

Is the whole book like this? She's just complaining and rehashing something that anyone who is reading her book already knows about. Why would anyone read this shit

the second half is a copy and paste of her mothes favorite after after dinner recipes

How is that "misogyny" and not just being an asshole.

Misogyny is turning a broad down for a job because she's a broad. Showing this turd of a person horrible photos isn't anti-woman, because we've done the same thing to dudes, and much worse!

Could it be that that word doesn't even mean anything, they use it so much? She just associates it with "bad" in her mind? Fuck her. I always give these people a chance and they always say something that ruins every point they could ever try to make.

"being offended" is a nice cottage industry for these otherwise unemployable lumps.

Bait people into attacking you (verbally, of course), get "offended", write a book/youtube channel/article and cash in.

cbanks? Have you been up to no good?

She sent me some generic basement dweller tweet and blocked me, then her half faggot followers were after me. Can't be sure, but if it was my dead body tweets she chose to write about, it would be neat.

How many years ago was that show? She's carrying on like it happened yesterday. Does this Butterslug ever get over anything?

Who cares? Mountain wasn't even that good....

Nantucket Sleighride is a stone jam, broham.

This bitch has a book? Also what is it with these portly broads dating guys in shit bands? Her husband's band blows, and that Fun band that ol' sister fister's husband is in also blows.

Does she have any idea how shitty we are to the people we are fans of. She got 10% of the shit that Ant and Jim get regularly. For christ's sake we discovered that Anthony is fucking his niece and he didn't write a book about ut

Ahamefule J. Oluo

"Brains split open like ripe fruit".

That's some really cringy and shitty writing.

she was excited to use a healthy word.

I know you're being ironic but Mein Kampf is a boring, rambling, repetitive, disjointed display of misguided reason--far from a masterpiece of literature. At least Lindy's was a quick read compared to the long-winded drivel of an uneducated idealogue who evokes Darwin and Nietzsche without even understanding them.

What does having wings have to do with anything?

Even if all of the attacks were coming from angry men who hate women, who gives a flying fuck? I cannot understand why someone could take things said to them on fucking Twitter so personally or seriously. Maybe there are unstable people who make genuine threats of violence, but those people exist in the world anyway and as a public figure you become visible to them. Male public figures deal with the same problem. You take steps to protect yourself, and block anyone who attacks you online. Fucking crybabies.


Don't mind me, just middle of the road guy here, laughing at the world. Ew.

I hate people saying "That's why Trump won", because it's not, and because I'm not the biggest fan of the guy...

But Jesus these fucks, for months and months...Trump goes after Megyn Kelly "TRUMP IS ANTI WOMAN." No, you can go after -a- woman, a person of color (sorry, non-white person, the preferred nomenclature changed halfway through this post) or any minority INDIVIDUAL without going after the entire fucking group.

No matter who you are, there's somebody you don't like, it's not always going to be a cis-gendered white-male Republican.

This brought a tear to my eye.

But Lindy is the popess of self-important women!