« One of the guys that reached out [to me] BIG TIME was Sam Roberts… » -WWE's Sean Waltman on his recent drug-related arrest

4  2017-05-02 by alternative_faps

Keep working that Plan B, Sam! HHH will be pleased to hear that you care about his little buddy, and I'm sure Jimmy doesn't mind how hard you're working behind the scenes to move on from Sirius. SOURCE


How can Sam offer any help? He's never even had a sip of beer.

"Sean, just say no and eat chicken tendies and smiley face french fries."

He prefers the chicken nuggets shaped like dinosaurs. What a little worm that nigger is.

you are insulting Sam by comparing him to Jim and Anthony...

Jim said Sam had a couple of shots at D-Bag's going away party. I actually felt proud of that little creep. If only he would stop liking wrestling and reality shows.

It's amazing what some people believe

Wasn't that a joke?

If he starts eating real food and kills himself, I will forgive him.

If anyone knows how to beat a meth injecting addiction....its Sam. He'll be hosting a WWE celeb rehab on WWE network before you know it!

hot ass maria is on that show? nice

it's her husband's podcast that he records in their garage, she's pops on every now and then.

The 123 kid and Matt "the terror" Serra are the only wwf/ufc guys that are great on Jim and Sam. All the others fucking blow