Chip Chipperson cartoon removed from YouTube?

8  2017-05-02 by Wolosocu

I stumbled upon the "podacast" and decided to look for the cartoon and I couldn't find it. Was the cartoon removed from YouTube in an attempt to erase that from Jim's past and hopefully have his fans forget about the $60k he swindled from them?


its on riotcast channel


did you read any of that?

heeeey what do I know I am just an average Joe

I'd be happy if I could remove that abortion from my brain



Sven Stoffels had a better version

that cost 60 grand

Noone is paying Sven Tryhärd 60 grand for anything.

Did Mike turn that 13 seconds into 8 hours of Bonus Content?

that Sven guy stinks-on-ice! I remember he got drunk & shouted-down Mike, even tho Mike needs dunking in a chemical toilet with his balls on fire, his sycophant douche follower 'Sven' is worse by proxy


Oh no! What will I do for entertainment now?!?!

There was some talk about animating the podcast, like they did with the Ricky Gervais show. Could probably work.

Gonna need another $60k for that m8

I guess what really confuses me is do those gofundme donations not have a way to detect when the money wasn't properly used? There where all kinds of incentives that weren't delivered, seems like that money would be returned automatically if the project fell through.

it was removed quite a while ago, like months.

I saved it awhile ago


did you read any of that?