This has passed on its genes

30  2017-05-02 by Crownenberg


This imgur album only contains 1 image!

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This imgur album only contains 1 image!

does it?

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Is it?

I'm a bot!

Are ya?

Imgur isn't slow, but your spergy, shitdick programmer sure is.

Why don't his eyebrows actually follow the contours of his brow? It's like they're arbitrarily thrown on his face.

Because unlike typical males that develop a prominent brow bone during puberty, Sam took hormones to artificially create such features

Basically, Sam was supposed to be a really short guy because he was born with a genetic defect. But because of modern medicine and his parents he was able to artificially grow and has an extremely high sense of self worth.

You can understand why D-bag would rather fuck off to a different job... Imagine having to put up with the little balloon full of piss dick trying to belittle you every morning...

Fetal alcohol syndrome

No one believes he inseminated that woman.

This is from when he was younger and more virile. He's somehow much uglier than this now.

Didn't he lose his lips and his fucking hair line is half way on his head

Ugly fucking bastard. Shoulda been sterilized at birth.

I wonder how high school will go for his son.


His parents made a huge mistake in force feeding him all that extra testosterone. They should have just let him be a short kid. One more thing he'd have in common with Jimmy

That's why the thing in the picture didn't pass its genes on to anyone. The pipsqueak it was supposed to look like did.

It's like thinking Nikki Cox's kid is doomed look like a monster.

And this exhibit highlights the homeoqueerian. It is a hybrid of one of the first humans and aids. It lived for only 2 generations before dying out due to lack of macho man randy savage

He has a face like a gimp mask.

I don't know how this comment hasn't been upvoted 10x as much.

He looks like Ellen Burstyn in Requiem For A Dream.

Was that it Bob Kelly that said Sam had the upper lip of a lion? I think about that gem every time I see a picture of him.

REMINDER: OP created the original Brother Joe UD Definition and deleted it, leaving an autistic rambling mess of an explanation before deleting his account.

hey man, if i was his wife, i would have passed on his genes!!! lmao

Sam wishes his hairline still looked like that.

Nobody panic, it's probably not his.

Tss, where'd he take em, to the Goodwill er somethin?

G'on, nah.

Imagine that face looking down on you in ecstasy and he released his jizz into you.


He looks like something out of The Dark Crystal.

Octopus/velocirapter hybrid.

Sam is like a androgynous, abbo albino with a physique like a q-tip

To say that his mom was impregnated by an eggplant is too simplify things ridiculously. Something far more sinister and unnatural is afoot in his genome.