Noted Sociohistorical Scholar and Former Tin Knocker Anthony Cumio Discusses Trump and the American Civil War (hint: everything is the fault of LIBRULS)

2  2017-05-02 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


I believe that Anthony is referring to the removal of Confederate and racist monuments in the south when he says that liberals are "removing all traces of its actual history". His argument being that by removing racist monuments, liberals are trying to hide how racist our past was. The same liberals that Anthony constantly rails against for being too quick to cry racism.

He is beyond retarded.

What did the Trump say? What did the monuments do that was so rasis?

Stone is very racist

I used "racist" as shorthand. There are a couple of monuments that were erected by the KKK that the left wants removed now. I believe this is what Anthony is referring to.

erected by the KKK


I think he is referring to the revisionist history put forth by the Left, viz. the idea that blacks thought slavery wasn't fun

I stand corrected.

I honestly cant even wrap my head around this one. Its the liberals fault that Trump blurted out dumb civil war shit? The liberals went back in time and miseducated Trump so Trump is justified here? Has Ant embraced 'post facts' philosophy?

Anthony has sex with men

anthony "nigger guy" cumia

any time you see someone bitch about ant's so called racism, remember it's stern fan network.

How do I not know you're one of "them"?

Daniel Stern? Loved him in CHUD.

I also wonder if Ant is one of those the civil war wasnt fought over slavery assholes? Probably, right? Even though every aggravating factor between the north and the south had the existence of slavery as a prime ingredient.

Anthony would have been barred from most establishment for being "colored".

Yes, the only way he could've got into a 1960s country club would've been through the kitchen back door. See, because he would've been an out of sight dishwasher. They wouldn't even have let him be a waiter, they would have had the nice, white kids doing a summer job for that.