Sam comes on and ruins everything. Perfect example of a show pre and post Sam. Cancer.

19  2017-05-02 by porsalin


This was the first full show I've listened to in awhile, and holy shit was Sam an asshole to Denny and genuinely just radio cancer. He added nothing. It's like he was doing his best Opie impression.

With Opie I just don't give a fuck anymore. I haven't the energy to hate him. Sirius is killing him slowly and painfully, which is probably the right outcome given his years of unfunny hackery.

But I can't explain it. Sam induces a visceral hatred I can't control. This show had Bobby Kelly on - one of my favourite O&A guests and I had to shut it off! When Sam began his Ja Rule/Fiddy Cent shit I had to stop.

I'm so happy the folks here are recognising how tremendously bad Sam is at this. I wish nothing but really bad things to happen to him.

I typically listen to about two shows a week. And around the Ja Rulw/50 mark, Sam just kicks into high gear of annoying. Almost like manic drugs kicked it. It's SO much worse when they come back from break with that ICP song. We get it Sam, your a faggot who likes a band made of faggots. Shut up already.

He was a dick to Bobby too, yes, the cunt. And frankly, Bobby really doesn't need to be there--it's not ten years ago, he'll get no ticket bump or subscribers from appearing on any of the three shows--preaching to a shrinking choir-but he's got his own thing going on with his podcast network, a baby, an eating problem, some tv work, but he's doing his buddy Jim a favor. And Sam storms in and treats him like shit. However unlikely, I hope and pray that Bobby outlives everyone in the O&A world, myself included.

When Sam began his Ja Rule/Fiddy Cent shit I had to stop.

Sam is both a retard and a contrarian. He always hated the "old guy crap" like the Jaws references and the Goodfellas jokes on the show, and thought himself above all that, because he was a lanky manwoman who watched wrestling and reality shows and had sugary nomnums and nuggies.

I think the contrarian part of his brain made him also hate comedy. Or he just didn't like that these professional comedians were able to make fun of him and laugh at him the way he was used to laughing at other people, in a way he didn't have the mental resources to in any way combat.

In either case, fuck him. People came to O&A to laugh, not to learn about what a 30 year old white kid things of rap, or his little weinie voice interviewing fucking Randy Orton.

he just didn't like that these professional comedians were able to make fun of him and laugh at him the way he was used to laughing at other people, in a way he didn't have the mental resources to in any way combat.

This is how I take it. Just like Opie, he's forced out of the conversation at a table he set up and he does not like it. So he punishes everyone around him by bringing down the life in the room to accommodate his simmering, constant butthurt

I didn't hate Sam until I heard he didn't want Colin Quinn in.

Then I realized, he doesn't want the listeners that made O&A, that made him, he just used them to reach to a bigger platform.

And he's too stupid to realize that that platform would never want him.

Doing the show with Jim is as high as his career could ever get, save maybe doing a show on a WWE XM channel.

It's 2017, you're not going to attract new listeners to satellite with porn stars and wrestlers and UFC dudes.

Half the people here found the show in the past 5-7 years because of funny, original content on YouTube.

Sam, you dumb little caveman, you take away your retard cartoon mouse voice and your insanely offputting appearance: Do you think Vince would want someone who starred in the famous "Creepy Gay Kid" viral video?

Then I realized, he doesn't want the listeners that made O&A, that made him, he just used them to reach to a bigger platform.

Ive seen him on the Cumia show with Jim, over a yera ago. He just sits there quietly most of the time and doesn't even pretend to fake laugh at Ant and Jim's "old guy" references. He's visibly uncomfortable and knows he's irrelevant. The exact same shit happened during the live show with Ant. He ven let out an angsty "It's my show and I can't even get a word in edge wise." So I would imagine he wants CQ out because he wants to avoid that feeling, this time between CQ and Jim making him irrelevant.

I don't buy the new listeners angle. I think he just has a small, shallow reference base of things he is capable of talking about length and with any authority. He focues on wrestling for that reason and no other. When users make him butthurt and insecure by pointing out they don't want it he has to play the "new listneers" angle to make it sound like a calculated, intentional move when it's really because he has no other things to talk about or industry "ins" besides in the wrestling universe

the "its my show and i cant get a word in" was a joe matarese reference, in sam's defense (not that i want to)

So he truly is Opie's disciple.

But even Opie realized that if he just got out of the way of that he could kill those "quarter hours". And people would love the show. He just had to "mark his territory" by laughing loud and saying "very good" and "thank you!", so people would know he was there.

same, I wanted to hold out some sort of hope they could put on a funny show until the fucking host explicitly stated that the point of the show wasn't to be funny, and that he didn't want too many comedians or Colin on the show.

can you link me to the part where he said that?

I think he's just being defensive cause he's not funny

I can't remember, I'm sure it's on braunheiser's channel from a couple weeks ago

thanks for fighting the good fight. He doesn't catch NEARLY the amount of shit he should be. been saying this on and off for months. Whenever people seem to realize it it dies down again.

He's basically fucking over the Chip podcast (I can't listen to it because of him) and people should be laying the pressure on them so they know how much we dislike Sam.

he's by far the worst fucking part of that show. people used to say that Sam was funny because he can interact with Jim's characters, but that isn't the case now. he's just a piece of shit sitting there.

Besides his interactions with Jim's characters are becoming stale and repetitive. He just answers everything with a sarcastic 'Why would that etc etc' or 'That's not etc etc' - just refuting everything chip says with a snigger and a 'how is that a thing' attitude.

I am the biggest supporter of Sam's rasslin career out there. The sooner Vince takes that primitive manbaby away from Jim Norton the better.

the bottom line is Sam is not funny. If you're not funny you need to back off for shit to work.

I don't know a lot about Denny, but his PG dad jokes are fucking hilarious. It's even better when he fucking works for them. He had one about skinning a cat or something that everyone kept stepping on and he kept going for it, by the time he hit the punchline no one in the room knew what he was talking about. It was great. Also, have you seen white men can't jump?

He saw a guy with a cat in a bag on the train, and he goes "don't let the cat out of the bag!"

"He's the best!" - Travis

Thank you!

I love when they were all talking about Bobbys dog that died, and they're all kind of talking at once trying to make fun of him and in the background you just hear Denny go "Well all dawgs go to heaven..." and not one person acknowledges he said it. That made me laugh so hard. He's such a fucking cornball, but I think it's his cocksure delivery that sells it for me.

Denny full time I think. He really lightens shit up.

Id love that. Ive always loved Denny, he makes a great "good cop."

i feel like i don't see enough effective uses of "cocksure" in my life

That was a great show that collapsed the moment Sam came in. I'm 'all in' on the Sam hate.

Sam will leave the show and be the next 'Todd Pettengil' at WWE. It will become the Jimmy and Soder show with Denny Falcone. it!

I'd like to see Scorch steal his WWE gig... in a perfect world.

The only reason I disagree with this is seeing Sam on television gives little kids nightmares. Seriously, no one that repulsive looking will ever get a regular TV gig.

Jim may be transitioning into an old washwoman but that was a pretty good first hour. Amazing that once sam is out the room, there's actual topics and discussion and jim doesn't sound bored out his mind.

It's no wonder Sam tries his darndest to never miss a show. He doesn't want the audience realising how good the show is without him.

Sam has always been like this. It's just now he has some modicum of fame and thinks he's untouchable. He seems like the kind of person whose never been humbled, or told no. He's the kind of person who you only want the worst in life to happen to them. He's just such a smug, worm who has kissed enough ass to make it to where he has. The bottom rung of z-list stardom. Cheers, to the most punchable face in all of media.

that one clip where he goes after Kevin Pollock really revealed his character and nature. Shitty dude, not in a cool or "shit stirrer" way, just a shitty dude

Is that the one where sam called his parents to back him up?

HGH suckin mo`fucka

Could you at least tag the hour/minute mark when Sam begins the ruination?

About 1:03:00

Sam has been Opie Jr his whole career. It's great to see people still catching on to this fact. He is shit on the radio.

Also Morton is a scam artist

I gave up on Jim/Sam. But post draft football talk is getting old. So figured I would tune in. I have regularly bashed Norton and how awful he has been, but without Sam, it was actually listenable. Once Sam arrived, it turned to dog shit.

He is a less funny, more arrogant version of Opie. Worst "talent" on the channel.

Sam is incapable of dropping the shtick, and that's the problem. Everything he says - predictably at this point - is masked in that hipster shield of sarcasm and irony. The smugness and lack of ANY sincerity is fucking tedious.

the "its my show and i cant get a word in" was a joe matarese reference, in sam's defense (not that i want to)

So he truly is Opie's disciple.

But even Opie realized that if he just got out of the way of that he could kill those "quarter hours". And people would love the show. He just had to "mark his territory" by laughing loud and saying "very good" and "thank you!", so people would know he was there.

I can't remember, I'm sure it's on braunheiser's channel from a couple weeks ago