Leaker's description revealed

56  2017-05-02 by porsalin


opie and sherrod show... fire him now please

I've heard that the "rotund" insider also has a penchant for "hoagies" and other large sandwiches containing several ingredients, heavy on both proteins and dressings.

He's also a fat cunt that stole $100,000 from staff members.

Well, can you blame him for stealing $100,000 from fucking Sam and Danny.....I mean seriously....

Danny is the biggest cunt in the history of radio. Stealing $100k from his bank account directly would be ok. No one would prosecute. Since he's a mega cunt.

How could you not like a grown man with the ego of a 16 year old combined with the temperament of a 9 year old.

At least he spent it on underwater Florida swamp...which is underwater in more than one way...

How and why did he steal ?

Back in the early xm days, there was some newspaper lottery contest thing. It's alleged that E-Rock used the newspapers from the show to win and he kept the money

So? They're shared newspapers, anyone could've done that cause they were all allowed to read them. This hoagie's for you Fat Rick.

This only narrows it down to roland or erock

nothing narrow about those two

Someone fill me in IS THIS REAL

Had me a good sensible chuckle just now

I hope they pay Opie his severance in quarters

Aw man, we have to wait till October?

hahaha radio legend. If erock said that sarcastically I may have to suck his peckah.

so Roland...

The word "morbidly" was omitted, so it's still up in the air