Do you think the reason Jimmy will never admit that Chip is Opie is because Opie will want to get paid?

28  2017-05-01 by hickorysmoked1

Suppose the podcast actually materializes into something major, do you think Opie will want a piece of the cake if Jim ever admits that the character is based off of him?


Look at the last episode of the Podacast. "The Chipster." Says "fawking" constantly.

Opie already has gotten paid by constantly uploading videos of Jimmy and the old show to his own youtube channel. He's taken more than a taaaaaaaste.

So wait, now you guys admit that Chip isn't funny?

Fawk you sock cucka, go suck a fat peckah

My biggest evidence of Chip being Opie is the clip where Opie says he worked for the mafia. Opie is trying to be dead serious and Jim starts doing Chip almost immediately. While Bobby is actually entertaining Opies stupid statement, Chip is just babbling in the background answering Bobbys questions

But that's the only thing they have in common. If Jim wanted to parody Opie he'd do a whiny stupid cuckold with a retarded daughter.

Nah, there's also chip dancing video, which was based on the douchey dance Opie posted from the Philly Crew a month earlier.

Chip dancing isn't a regular part of the character like the grandiose lying is.

We should all still agree that Jim was quick to incorporate Opie characteristics into Chip, even if he wasn't the original genesis of the character.

That first video is the worst thing i've ever watched. I'd rather watch beheadings on a loop than see that again.

He did karate moves, then raised the roof, then did a big muscle flex! What's not to like?

correction: I'd rather be beheaded than watch that again. Fucking BOO. The "Philly Crew" is awful.

I thought he was trying to get like a lawn mower motor started as well in there.

Somewhere in the middle of that Chip says "I got a viral video!" completely out of context.

I think Opie caught on in the last few years of O&A because he started off tolerating the character and even laughed at Chip's comments, whereas later it seemed like he took it as an insult if Chip even appeared.

You don't have a right to money if someone parodies you. And Chip was created in a rough version before Norton even knew who Opie was.

That's because Chip is one of the laziest comedic archetypes there is. I also "created" a rough version of Chip, when I was 13.

Too bad he didn't take a bat to your skull in your sleep you sockcucka.

Too bad who didn't? I'm having trouble placing myself within the context of your comment. Please clarify so I can be sure of exactly how stupid it is.

Rough Chip you non story following fuckwit

Watching you fags rally around this horseshit is 100x more entertaining than Chip.

"He" in this context is your version of Chip you created at 13. I'm saying I wish you had killed yourself in adolescence so as not to be the condescending chunk of shit that adult you bludgeons our senses with, you goober. Get it now, rube?

Yes, thanks.


You came nowhere close to Chip when you were 13. Stop marginalizing one of the only great and hilarious things Jimmy as done that doesnt involve; Aids, Trannys etc.

I mean this honestly and sincerely: if you think this is "great" or "hilarious", you should not be allowed to drive or vote.

You don't think it's brilliant even a tad? If it's good enough for CQ it's good enough for me

I honestly do not think it's brilliant, not even a tad. I'm genuinely baffled that this new video podcast thing is being greeted like some sort of Second Coming.

I find it completely embarrassing and pathetic.

Colin Quinn is a funny motherfucker, most of the time. I feel like this is just him being too nice to his friend while his friend does something really stupid and hacky.

Well i dont know about that the whole podcast thing i havent even bothered. It's jimmy trying to hard. Theres something about when chip is going off in a more "natural" enviroment for lack of a better word that makes it so funny, not hacky in the slightest. But we can go back and forth all day huh?

Let's just agree to disagree, eh? Send my best to the wife.

the show has passed you by, my friend

What's your favorite part? The way that he makes really bad puns, but we know they're supposed to be really bad, but the Chip character doesn't, so it's like, really funny? Is that when you laugh the most???

no, my favorite part is when he tries to be really hardcore and badass... because we've all known people like that.
Also, I like when Chip drove a wedge between him and Opie and resulted in the Jim & Sam show.

Yes, we have. And even better, we've all known characters like that. Exactly like that.

lol... I've never heard another character like Lyle "Chip" Chipperson.
I definitely get why you wouldn't enjoy him, though. He ruins everything... it's a guilty pleasure.


Jim has stated before that Chip was a character he has been doing since the 90s, long before he knew of O&A

...shortly after he and the rest of the world heard the Jerky Boys?

its a podacast! say it right

Chip being a bad pathological liar was certainly Jim sneaking in a insult to Opie, but that's all they have in common. Chip has too much energy to be Opie, Opie's mother (presumably) didn't fuck black guys, Opie doesn't have gay tendencies, and Opie's jokes aren't "so bad they're funny" they're just bad.

that's all they have in common

Bad jokes that bring the entire flow of a shot to a halt is another. And is big one.

But Chip jokes aren't like Opie jokes. If Opie told jokes that were so bad they were funny people would like him. Opie just says the most obvious shit because he isn't smart.

no its because hes a worm

I actually think he believes Opster might throw himself off a building if he realizes he'd been making fun of him right in front of him for years.

I don't think he was originally based on opie but he must be part of him now. Especially the last chip podcast he even does the "waitwaitwaitholdonwaitigotsomething" thing just like an opie interjection.

I'm guessing Jim read something online about chip being similar to opie and couldn't help but go with it.

Chip is the conglomeration of a few people...a lot of Marion in there too

Suppose the podcast actually materializes into something major

Tap the brakes there, nostradamus.

I called in after an Opie bomb during the O and A days and asked Opie if he was showcasing his new character "Greg Chipperson" and the way Jimmy laughed made it seem like you might be on to something...

Fawk you sock cucka, go suck a fat peckah

He did karate moves, then raised the roof, then did a big muscle flex! What's not to like?