Always makes me smile. Most funny thing Florentine has been involved in

13  2017-05-01 by unclepaul84


A veteran comic — who garnered rave reviews for his brief stint on TV’s “Louie” — has gone to war against the Jersey cop he says broke up his marriage.

Jim Florentine, who appeared in the season finale of Louis C.K.’s FX sitcom, has written to the Matawan police chief and the Monmouth County Prosecutor’s Office asking that the hunky 23-year-old cop be prosecuted for public lewdness, or at least be disciplined for bad judgment, The Post has learned.

Florentine launched his letter-writing campaign after hiring private investigators to tail his then-wife.

The officer, Eric Otten, admitted to probers that he’d had sex in public with the comic’s spouse, Samantha Warner, once in her car in a tavern parking lot after their first “date” and again in Holmdel Park, according to a statement signed by the cop, a copy of which was obtained by The Post.

i thought this was going to be a long joke and not a very sad and pathetic story.

i thought this was going to be a long joke and not a very sad and pathetic story.

do you know what sub you are on? Everyone we talk about has a sad and pathetic story. Including all the posters.

Thank you

Then Opie tried to make a bit out of it on air, when Florentine didn't want to talk about it. Another bridge burned.

I thought this was one of the cuntiest things Tits ever did. Almost as bad as Steve C.

"You may recognize him from voicing a puppet on a short-lived Comedy Central program called Crank Yankers that was best known for never making one person audibly laugh, or his most famous comedy routine: using a fake voice to sound masculine."

She has crazy dick sucking eyes

Florentine writing a letter accusing someone of bad judgement? Didn't he used to fuck Robin Quivers?

This is lamer than wearing white socks with your sandals to Applebee's for a fantasy football draft party.

Playing cops and detectives? What are you, 12?

20 years younger than he is, twice divorced prior to marrying him, married for 2 years their kid is 5. Damn if this doesn't cover about every base.

the O&A universe collects white (and arabic) trash like baseball cards.

All she's missing is a serenity prayer tat

I wonder if old man got out his typewriter and pounded out a strongly worded letter about a Officer Otter pumping his wife full of ketchup flavored seed.

Meh. It was kind of funny but just in a "he should've known better" way. I always quite liked Florentine. He was funny in small doses and before Opie started pushing him to do the "what am I, 5?" bit all the time.

He also seems like a decent dude. Shit luck with women though. His ex gf killed herself and this psycho hosebag cucked him in the true definition of the word. As I said though, he should have known better. She was on her what? 3rd marriage by her early 30s. And she just looks like a cunt. Still, he got a son he seems to love a lot out of it I guess.

he could have BL whenever he wanted.

This guy fucks his wife in a car outside a bar and jim writes a letter to his boss to get him in trouble. Jim would have sucked that grown ups dick regardless, the wrestling photos were just a bonus. Do you think jim "juice cup" norton helped him with the nasty letter?