Science™ just proved that you're all just a bunch of insecure mopes.

20  2017-05-01 by Isaact714


Are people that stupid that they don't realize these kinds of articles are the reason why Donald J. Trump was elected President of the United States? The far-Left's lack of self-awareness is truly fucking baffling.

Trump 2020

Western Carolina University.

Is that a community college?

I've been out of school for awhile but I'm pretty sure there's no West Carolina. Fake and gay

Sounds to me this place is a satellite campus of Joe Cumia's alma mater - school of hard knocks

A journal called 'Sex Roles'. Gotta be some rigid dispassionate science going down in that thing.

Fuckin put buttah on 'em! Tsssss

One of the reasons why people should ignore someone on TV that says "studies have shown"

My Favorite part of the "study":

Next, all participants completed the “comedy rating” form; they rated the funniness of a series of 20 jokes: five sexist jokes (Q: Why haven’t any women ever gone to the moon? A: It doesn’t need cleaning yet), five anti-gay jokes (Q: How can you tell if a novel is homosexual? A: The hero always gets his man at the end), five anti-Muslim jokes (Q: What do you call a drunk Muslim? A: Mohammered)

Q: How can you tell if a novel is homosexual? A: The hero always gets his man at the end

That's "anti-gay?"

Yes, don't disagree you shitlord

Q: What do you call 2 married men? A: Homosexuals.

fuckin buried dat prejudice tss

It's not funny, either

If it was in the end instead of at the end maybe?

I actually like the moon joke


God bless these retards and their pseudostudies. The fact that you can actually ruin some megafragile faggot's or cunt's day with shitty jokes like these is hilarious.

Yes, people who make crude jokes are the insecure ones, not the people who try to make certain groups off-limits. This article isn't t just wrong, it's the exact opposite of the truth. People who get offended are unfit for society, not the other way around.

The results suggest that there is an underlying reason that many men turn to anti-gay or sexist jokes. That is that men tended to use these harmful comments as a defense mechanism when they felt that their masculinity was being threatened in some way.

Or it could be that the gay community has spent decades cultivating a public image where they prance around in glitter and feather boas and doing everything in their power to earn the classification of "faggot." Why do people make jokes about drunk Irishmen? Because the Irish are a bunch of violent drunks.

The thing I love about these studies is they usually prove the jokes right. It turns out that women are nagging and complaining about all these jokes about women complaining and nagging. The gay community is holding another self-care clinic and viral crying campaign about all the people who think they're emotional drama queens.

I wonder what the fuck masculinity is supposed to be these days.

Chris Pratt.

Jokes are supposed to be funny—they’re meant to tickle us, and make us smirk and giggle.

just a bit of good natured ribbing!

No laughing. Just giggling. TEE HEE HEEEEEEE!!!

I think a lot of comedy comes from a dark place. Life is pain and misery. Knock knock.


I always skim stuff like this to see if it's a female author. Ditto on health advice and many other subjects. You can usually instantly disregard the writing on certain subjects and save yourself time this way.

Not only is the author a lesbian, but the bitch who did the "study" is a lesbian as well. Pretty important stuff these dykes are working on.

You're a child

sorry i'm not living up to your standards faggot

I'd rather crack a few jokes than make the jump from verbal to physical abuse. Why are so many people preoccupied with words when there are actual woman beaters and violent racists out there? It's sick. Like they're hiding something themselves.

That's a good point. I see a possible comeback to that as something like "but you're perpetuating the culture that promotes/downplays these issues". Cause these dummies are never able wrap their minds around context and intent

And on a lighter note, if you’re a fan of humor, we’re pretty sure you’ll find these clean jokes not at all offensive—and pretty hilarious too. Reader's Digest

Hahaha awesome, jokes from a 1950s-esque Christian magazine.

Yes I call people faggots cause in my straight and "masculine" brain sucking dick would be awful and is the ultimate gross or demeaning thing a straight man can do. I'm not calling actual gay people faggots

And for some reason if you really do hate faggots, that means that you're a closeted faggot. Can't I just find them to be disgusting degenerates without being lumped in with them?

Yeah but do you actually hate gay people? If you genuinely hate someone because of who they fuck and not their character then I would actually jump to the other side and say you are a major fsggot

I just find what they do to be disgusting and them to be an abomination.

Right but who gives a fuck. You probably have friends that eat their boogers or pierce their dicks. I personally don't give a care

The normalization of this faggot shit offends me more than some dude taking a dick, really.

I'm okay with normalizing it, I don't like when it feels like they're encouraging it or putting it on a pedastal

It's not normal though.

studies have also shown women and gays are inferior by every measurable standard... fucking cunts

While it is true I'm insecure, that doesn't affect my sense of humor.

this shit is gay

I stopped reading at written by Charlotte Grainger.

They're right. We are all insecure faggots.

You'd be insane not to be insecure in 2017... with automation, technology, and our swelling population, a single life has never mattered less in human history.

P hacking nonsense.

(((They))) sure are pushing this 'clean' comedy narrative really hard.

You're an ((idiot))

Wow - you sure stung me with that one.

psychology research in general is a joke...these studies often fail replication and hypotheses confirmed before gathering results

Oh god I'd hate people to know I'm insecure!!! I want to be known as secure and confident!

All three authors are from "Department of Psychology, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, USA"

Some groundbreaking faggotry from nowheresville, Fuckolina

I've said this before here but in Aus the shit people dismiss as casual racism (from all races here btw) is actually a normal part of social interaction. It's one of those social graces that lets the other party know theyre free to speak easily in one's presence, it lets each party know they're equals in the interaction and it's a cultural touchstone that's slowly disappearing and being replaced by a weird puritanism. it's a very blokey kind of etiquette but it's also complex and freeing. as long as everyone is fair game then everything's fair and you can speak to someone candidly with the full understanding you will be mocked because ridicule is reserved for someone who is your equal and superior. it's good manners that the most recent generation is too retarded to continue.

Q: How can you tell if a novel is homosexual? A: The hero always gets his man at the end

That's "anti-gay?"

I actually like the moon joke

God bless these retards and their pseudostudies. The fact that you can actually ruin some megafragile faggot's or cunt's day with shitty jokes like these is hilarious.