How is every brit spending their bank holiday?

1  2017-05-01 by Dennyislife

I've got the cricket on. Because i am english and its the done thing.


That's not a Jewish holiday?

We don't really do jews here.

That's what the Rothschilds want you to think.

They are probably going to eat some blood pudding then clean their foreskins. Pip pip cheerio

its called black pudding. Because we imagine its black people.

If it isn't made out of chicken grease and pcp I doubt it tastes authentic

I assume the gentlemen will be meeting at the local pub to load up on warm ale then proceed to aggressively bugger each other in the ass.


Sorry, mate. Just really knackered this morning...

Hopefully under under the tires of a truck driven by a Muslim.

cricket ? thats that game brown people in south Asia play ?

Nah we just brainwashed them into thinking being like us is a good idea.

huh, stupid jungle niggers

I've got my tea, gonna tear into some fish fingers later, and I'll cap it all off by getting fawkin zooted.

Good goyim, call it a bank holiday. This isn't a day devoted to labour rights and class struggle at all. It's a bank holiday, given to you by your gracious Jewish rulers.

actually its a pagan day here. Morris dancers and all that weirdness.