Bill Burr starred in a fucking 90s sitcom

26  2017-05-01 by NortheastPhilly


if 20 seconds equates to starring in something then Scorch really has a chance at fame

he actually starred in the show though

Yes, this is why bill was called "twinkle toes" by Bob Kelly and others in the early days of O&A.

I thought it was because his dad was a dentist and he didn't grow up in a fat mess of shame like most comedians.

I would suck a fart outta Lauren Graham's hiney.

if he somehow banged her in her prime, that would really be the key here.

I can't imagine him having ever banged a more impressive woman.

Hasn't he referred on the podcast to having dated a familiar actress at some point?

I'm not sure. I haven't been able to listen to his stuff for a while.

Quite the looker.

I'm not getting the exasperation. Is it the 90s part or the sitcom part?


the married a negress part

Out of all the decades, he chose the fucking 90s..

This two bit knockoff 'friends' shit.

The apartment set is almost exactly the same.

It's not as bad as the Clerks sitcom with Jim Breurer.

I can just hear Patrice saying "Shut up Bill"

Can you?

Nowhere near enough blinking.

Gilgore Girl

Haha, "I love you more than the Celtics" They're so Boston!!

"fucking" 90s sitcom gave your title some much needed edge


More than the Celtics! But that's just a sports team!! He must be some sort of Boston fan or something!!!

Ha, that's awesome.

It's hard to tell which one is Molly and which one is Bill.