Bill Burr introduces his fiance to his parents

87  2017-04-30 by Single_Action_Army


Are you implying that Nia Burr is some kind of freakish simian creature and one of God's abominations?

A nigger, yes.

My lovely wife, Ni* **rr

Knowing how pussy wipped Billy Red Balls is, she kept her own name.

Fear not, mother! These chains are made of tensile steel!

This prenup*

This wedding ring

Not exactly an Oscar Wilde on our hands.

Bill Burr is red headed faggot

You couldn't be more wrong.

He's bald.


Oh boy: this isn't gonna do our reputation over at r/BillBurr any good.

I don't like this at all. Disgusting. I can't stand this hacky comparison of blacks and movie apes. King Kong and Planet of the Apes especially. King Kong was a misunderstood compassionate beast. Planet of the Apes were apes who developed human like intelligence. Do either of those describe niggers? No. Enough already.

Smh. Unacceptable.

I assume Nia is the girl she introduces to her grandmother on one of his specials.

His grandmother sounded like a good egg.

It was a cucked, bald faggot that tamed the beast.

Nia is a Neeyga.

Burr's son is going to find black father figures to meet his high test needs. By the time he's 15 he will become a father figure to Bill

He has a daughter


This prenup*