There's no such thing as gender, you bigots.

10  2017-04-30 by [deleted]



He said race and gender are the same with his logic you can choose your race and that psychotic bitch Dolezal was just a transracial

I tried to listen to this podcast and had to tap out. He first talks about how the the worst part about oregon is that there are no black people there, then says that the country would be horrible if black people weren't here. Then he gushes over rogan's muscles and now this clip. This guy's point of view is what Burr has to say to his wife when they're alone so she doesn't bitch at him constantly.

He sounds like a fan of bbc.

Well, I mean Alan Partridge is an amazing show.

I was really suprised when I started listening to this interview. I heard him the day before when he was a guest on the libertarian podcast Tom Woods Show and he sounded like a completely different person.

He was on Rogan's podcast about a year ago and sounded different too. Although he was still really into black culture. I'll bet he was nerd/wigger growing up and his gf is black. And he probably lets black guys fuck her while he watches. He sounds very effeminate.

Yea I was surprised too after hearing him on Tom Woods. I expected his episode of Rogan to be a longer version of that.

So because .001% of the population falls outside of a given category, it obviously then follows that the category is just an oppressive social construct with no basis biology despite all the evidence to the contrary. Great argument. By the same logic the idea that humans have two arms is just a social construct with no connection to biology because occasionally someone is born with an extra limb or loses one in an accident. There are even mentally ill "transabled" people who remove their own limbs because they feel like they are meant to be handicapped, wonder if these postmodernist lunatics think this justified as well?

Men and women are a combo of men and women, thus have qualities of both genders. Guess it just depends on which side you want to identify with. I like being a man but i guess when I'm crying during a movie I'm a woman. That make sense?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

dat dont make no sense!

I like to where mommy's shoes, therefore I identify as Ant.

what a dumb fag

Almost everything you do is a social construct. Whether it be wearing clothes, manners, not farting in public, money, working, houses, apartment buildings, the government, language etc. are social constructs. Your sex is not a social construct. The West is way too comfortable , I bet many will die when the next 1930s style depression happens.

Trannies are the most annoying and hypocritical people on the planet. Thank goodness they have a high suicide rate.

I like the way you think

u/TinKnockinMoroccan , comment?

I laughed.

Why wont he stop using the social construct know as "language" and shut his whore mouth?


Im a man with a 12 inch penis born in the body of a man with a 2 inch penis. If you dont indulge my delusion then youre the problem, not me.

If only Joe could use his martial arts skills for good by grabbing this guys head and smashing it into the table repeatedly.

This dude is just trying to justify those couple of dicks he sucked in college