Why are men so whiny and weak?

1  2017-04-30 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Okay. I realize that title sounds extreme. But I have tried on different accounts to approach the "male" reddit communities for a polite discussion and been banned.

I don't pretend to be a master debater(tss) but if asking questions like "why don't you just go your own way instead of complaining about women all the time" is enough to get you banned, I think this generation of men may be extremely fruity.

What do you think?


Because they are too afraid to show their real insecurities and emotions. It's easier to just get mad at women (and men who question them).

Yo. You sound pretty based. I assume you've been redpilled

Nope, not at all. I think the redpill/bluepill stuff is silly.

That... a... was joke

Oh, whoops. Feeling too fine...drinking all my wine. Carry on.

I'm an open misogynist and racist so don't ask me. But it's more complicated than the people on this subreddit make it-- women have a million and one more options due to internet dating and modern culture. So it makes getting into a relationship more unlikely, with a lot of girls fooling around for most of their 20's and then wanting to settle down in in their late 20's/early 30's when they aren't able to have as many kids and their life is getting started considerably late. So people feel frustrated at that. The last girl I was with was 21 and had about 7 guys in the waiting, I wasn't in it for a long term serious thing so it wasn't a big deal for me when things went to hell. She went through about 3 or 4 guys only after a month of me leaving her. So if someone was a bit younger than me and more inexperienced they'd probably become very bitter and enraged over this, but honestly it's just the name of the game in this day of age due to convenience and the nature of modern dating.

You are asking why they don't go MGTOW but that's stupid because MGTOW is a totally different subject. Those red pilled guys are just trying to do PUA type stuff with women from what I understand.

I'll probably get downvoted for this because this subreddit generally partakes in women-worship. I'm assuming most of the people posting on here are overweight nerdy retards that put any moderately attractive girl on a pedestal, so any kind of misogynistic talk really fluffs their feathers if I may be so bold.

I generally like the core principles of MGTOW (largely bent on self-improvement and living for oneself, not for others) but I'm probably not going to become one unless I went in some strange monastic route.

This is why I see the entire MGTOW concept as a farce. They aren't going their own why because their entire identity revolves around women.

Personally, I don't identify as a man, and I've never been particularly interested in sexual relationships. If I find a women who shares my interests and hobbies and wants to cuddle up with me for the rest of our lives that's cool. But otherwise, there is internet porn.

I can't understand why MGTOW and Redpillers can't figure this out. I know they say they're different philosophies, but they end up at the same end point. A point that tries to make women into statistics instead of people.

I'm not trying to be a sex god or anything, but even when I was a chubby 14 year with a neckbeard, I understood that women, like all people, enjoy being talked to. I'm a total social retard but all you have to do is talk to peeps and figure out what they're interested in. Then you find out who you want to invest time into.

Personally, I don't identify as a man, and I've never been particularly interested in sexual relationships. If I find a women who shares my interests and hobbies and wants to cuddle up with me for the rest of our lives that's cool. But otherwise, there is internet porn.

I'm pretty much in the same boat except for the part about not identifying as aman. So it's not a big deal to me if I'm not in a relationship which is probably why I'm not bitter. I'm so much of a loner that it doesn't bother me and having a series of fleeting, sporadic relationships with girls isn't so bad.

I'm in a funny spot that I'm androgynous and pretty young looking. And I've hit that weird apex of social anxiety where women and men find me charming.

But as you say, I'm not that worried about sexual relationships. I've never understand the horseshit some of these groups say about female hypergamy and so on.

Aren't you vetting the broads you're considering as potential life partners? I mean, find a bitch who shares your interests and hobbies and then hang out with her for a few weeks or months. How hard is that?

Aren't you vetting the broads you're considering as potential life partners? I mean, find a bitch who shares your interests and hobbies and then hang out with her for a few weeks or months. How hard is that?

Yes and the worst part is how time consuming it can be since you're constantly aging and the older you get the smaller your options become. Spending 6 months with someone is a gigantic investment, half a year with someone that'll go nowhere. I'm dreading being in my late 20's/early 30's without a serious relationship, because at that point I'd have to just go the single route honestly. Not that that's bad, as I said earlier I could live with that. But it definitely eliminates an option for me which is a bit depressing. In the past, before my newfound "fuck everyone" mentality that I have now, I would get really emotionally invested in different women. One girl I really liked ended up screwing me over and then this same woman had a mental breakdown, I honestly don't even know if she's alive anymore due to it. But that lasted a fucking year. A year of my life where I could've been doing something else or being with someone stable and it was wasted on someone that had a complete breakdown and never spoke to me again.

The last girl I was with was crazy, it only lasted weeks before she started in with her usual crazy girl shit and the normal act she put on faded away. Apparently her mother and crazy white trash family had an issue with my age (25) compared to the daughter (21) since I was an "old man." It was really one of the strangest things I've ever encountered. . (I should point out the mother isn't her biological mom, she's some really cracked out white trash woman that had adopted and raised something like 8 or 9 kids for government benefits. Every time I called the daughter while she was visiting home it sounded like a warzone) Anyways, fast forward a week or so and I find out her Mom set up her adult daughter on a date with a man her age, since that was such an issue for them. She started bragging about the guy's age and trying to shove it in my face out of the blue, it was really crazy. So I told her to get fucked and lose my number and that I wanted nothing to do with her. Big mistake, she quickly messed up her date with the new guy and things fell through and she became obsessive with me again to the point it felt like I was being stalked. But once someone tries to play that sort of game with me it makes me lose complete interest for someone, so that was kind of it. I've had a ton of similar experiences with girls her age as well, which is kind of annoying and leads back to my original post that most girls in their early 20's and fooling around as much as possible and kind of dicking you around. You kinda have to accept that and move on. So honestly I feel the frustration out there.

Jesus, you didn't have to go full Elliot Rodger on me.

By reading your post, I think you're still way too worried about women and relationships. In the future, shoot for women your age or older. Be up front and tell them that you're dating them on a trial basis. You will probably thin the prospects out a lot, but the ones that stay will be more inclined to share your specific personality traits.

Unless you're a serial killer or some shit.

*By reading your post, I think you're still way too worried about women and relationships. In the future, shoot for women your age or older. *

Nope. I said I get why those communities exist out there but I personally could live the loner life and it doesn't bother me. The only thing frustrating about it is the older I get the less options I have so if I change my mind I'd be kinda screwed.

Jesus, you didn't have to go full Elliot Rodger on me.

By reading your post, I think you're still way too worried about women and relationships. In the future, shoot for women your age or older. Be up front and tell them that you're dating them on a trial basis. You will probably thin the prospects out a lot, but the ones that stay will be more inclined to share your specific personality traits.

Unless you're a serial killer or some shit.

I've never understand the horseshit some of these groups say about female hypergamy and so on.

It's true and common sense. On a basic biological level you want a mate that will pass on quality genes to the new generation. That's why things like dominance and aggressiveness and be seen as extremely attractive to people.

Isn't that exactly why the entire philosophy falls apart? Wouldn't you want the kind of bitch who wants to strap on a stone age dick and fuck your ass with it? Wouldn't you want a big ass viking, thunder hammer wielding terminator to raise your kids?

It's cognitive bias. Most of us have had a really toxic relationship and can develop feelings that we project onto every woman. It might sound weird but if you do find a good woman(good family/education/upbringing) and experience love. It can have an impactful impact on your life. I don't have any jokes it's just been my experience.

Why others need to shit on women--well I have a theory why maybe we're seeing a rise in racism/misogyny. It starts with watching YouTube videos making fun of sjws. Sure they're dumb and easy to make fun of but these videos then lead to maybe some more right leaning shit. Maybe you see a anti sjw/liberals. After some time, you're watching Trump videos. Going further down the rabbit hole-- you start seeing race realism and open misogyny. It's such a gradual process that maybe you just think extreme sjws are dumb but because you went down this sinkhole--you've become super red pill guy.

What the actual fuck is going on in this thread?....

I feel like I entered another dimension reading this

This thread doesn't identify as a thread.

Some gay shit

The best part is where he says this sub worships women.

I like how they analyze them in a small novel then both admit to "not identifying as men".

You're getting banned for posting cancerous b8, and making an off topic post. No one cares. If you want to revel in your complaints against men post in 2xchromoshit.

You don't have to be so angry. This is a safe place. Whichever woman molested you when you were younger, you can tell us about it. We won't judge you.

Nice bait. I'm sure posting your mentally ill diatribes here will be met with insightful responses.


i can beat up 95% of all females

Why don't you fruits get a room?