How did everyone's Saturday night go?

9  2017-04-30 by WildHog69

Went to dinner with my girlfriends family and her older brother tried to start a fight with a stranger after dinner and ruined the about you guys?


played bf1 with a squad of stranger marine guys

What's your username? I have no friends

mobil1977 . i play on SExbox tho

Ah nvm, I'm on ps4

I ate 14 Vicodin 5s and did some shitposting​. 6/10 night.

Haha me too just a little less of both. I wish I had played video games in hindsight.

cold water extraction, at least?

Nope, I don't waste my time with that. I don't give a fuck about the acetaminophen.

I enjoy vicodin. It's good to have a hobby.

I only do Vicodin because I get them for free. My great grandmother gets 120 at a time and I take them and fill the bottle with generic Tylenol. The old bitch is none the wiser.

Way to trick that old smelly horse.

Your great grandmother sounds gullible as fuck. Carneys & rubes.

Pretty good until I saw a comment saying "Some people care more about dogs than females" in a comment thread in the Raiders after they signed the dog abuser and people were more upset than when they drafted Mixon.

Like what the fuck do these people think? How self centered do you have to be to not see the difference? A man knocking out a girl who attacks him is more respectable than who beats the absolute shit out of his dog for peeing in the house. You can have that opinion without being sexist.

I hung out with my mom and sis while watching TV and drinking.

What did you watch?

Primitive technology on youtube. TV was probably the wrong the word to use but I've been blasted for a while

Do u mind sending me a picture of ur sisters feet? Thanks

I do mind, sir.


My power is out and I'm drinking on my balcony

What happened with the stranger who you almost fought?

Badly raped

I just watched Gavin's lonely 80s dance party


I played Mario Kart by myself all day

im confused as to why this is upvoted so much

i read a book about autism and i still don't understand how y'all have it.

What's the name of the book

Watching The Shield while taking ambien and drinking.

Shane was a hero

I remember he killed Lem with a grenade from the first time I saw it, but I hadn't seen the whole show then. I'm on season three now, I'm just glad Shane's wife is barely in it, that annoying cunt. Lem is a bitchass fuck though who shoulda been killed as soon as he burnt the money.

You are going to love Shane at the end

I had to quit watching after the Ass-Invader face-rape scene. Brought back painful memories. I'm glad you friends are here to comfort me. Love you.

The shield was one of the greatest shows to ever air imo, much better than the wire.

Played some PUBG and drank.

The homeless meth head bitch that has been sneaking around the hotel I live in got the cops called on her. They knocked on my door at midnight wanting to come in and search. It was a good hour explaining to them first and then their supervisors that I'm not opening the fucking door because you dont have a warrant.

Check out Fancy Dan living in a hotel. Got a butler to iron your heavy metal t shirt, do ya?

Fawwk yeah I do! The maid tugs my peckah.

Please to us higher class folk how you ended up living in a motel.

I'm a total fall down alcoholic. I'm super lucky that I'm good at playing music and got a job doing that. I'm only in my hometown like 3 months a year and after my wife died I decided to get rid of the house. I cut a deal with a friend that owns a sleazy hotel and this is where I live when I'm not on the bus. It fits my lifestyle in that on the occasion that people actually stay here, they are always mind your own business types like myself.

As a functioning alcoholic (I haven't graduated to fall down, yet), I find this to be a story I would like to hear more of.

What you wanna know?

My wife's friend started crying uncontrollably at her birthday dinner because we didn't go to a bar she could dance at.

Bitches are perilously close to the mentality of children. Hope you slugged her in her tits.

no...It ended up being me that had to go and talk her off the ledge. She's a nice girl, she was super shit faced, but i could have fucking strangled her. I just wanted her to clam down, so my wife would have a nice time, and i could go home and drink in bed.

I drank in bed without a wife. I win?

I got raped by a pack of niggers, and it was my fault.

- Mel Gibson's wife

I for one crashed out early. I woke up to 2 missed calls and 5 texts from a girl I am fucking. A booo.