Jim Norton obsession with "manliness"

35  2017-04-30 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I can't be the only one who cringes whenever Jim talks to anyone vaguely associated with any kind of "masculine" hobby or sport like MMA or guns. It's like he has never even conceived the idea that he could theoretically take MMA classes or buy a gun and shoot it at the range.

Why is he so gay?


He very clearly wants to be pinned down and dominated by a strong alpha male. It's the next logical progression in his sexual deviancy.

do you think he wants the dick tip to penetrate his anus? Or is he more interested in it tickling the back door while he edges?

I imagine he wants to be "forced" to pop it in his mouth and ingest what's given to him.

Remember the time be talked about fat bob kelly licking cold cum out of his hand.

I imagine that is Jim idea of sex

He prefers believing that he can't do certain things and that he is a certain way because he's scared of trying new things. The pressure of making yourself change for the better doesn't exist if you believe you are what you are.

And he always tells people he's a weak nothing beforehand cause he's scared of someone else saying it and thinks it shows confidence to self deprecate. But with an emaciated middle aged man it's creepy and off putting, Jim.

Are you saying that I should call into the jim and sam show and tell jim that he isn't a weak queer?

No, he is. Just not for the reasons he thinks he is.

I think Jim had a basic middle of the road upbringing but was very sheltered. Besides his over exaggerated adolescence sexual experimentation with another boy & his so-called alcoholism, I don't believe he ever experienced or saw the more hardcore things most guys deal with growing up. I'm sure he never got jumped by a pack of minorities as a teenager or suspended from school for a fight with guy over a girl you both like. Judging by his stories, it seems like their weren't any men in his life that fit that stereotype of the masculine tough guy, so the whole idea of MMA & guns is exotic & foreign to him. Personally I find it so obnoxious & annoying that he's a groupie of it all because he's so lucky to be in the position he's in as comedian & radio host but he never had that crazy uncle who was in & out of prison who gave him a gun, he never knew mob type people, he never got into violent fights on a weekly basis, all of which is terrible & hard to overcome but Jimmy now at 50 is in love with manly men. What Jimmy will never understand is that if any of those guys beating each other's brains in could do what he does & get paid, they'd never think about MMA again.

His dad had severe PTSD. So he could never be a stable role model.

I don't what kind of poorfag school you went to, but in all my years of public school education, most guys never got suspended for a fight or jumped by a pack of niggers, probably because we weren't so retarded as to fight in school or live in/near a coastal city.

Sounds like you had the same sheltered up bringing as Jim Norton. I grew up in working class Brooklyn in the from the 80's-2000's & I saw it all, mob guys , hookers, shooting but I lived in a relatively safe neighborhood & it was a million times more fun than any of my cousins life who moved way out to suburbs. It was these experiences that allowed me to understand the world & now make a good enough living to buy my first Manhattan apartment by age 25, now 8 years later & another nicer apartment my cousins from suburban Jersey are still living at home living in moms basement & hitter as fuck.

So you were poor. Got it.

White & not poor, Brooklyn has a lot of white neighborhoods & I grew up in Italian one. How about you, where did you grow if & what kinda pussy school did you go to that no one ever got suspended? I assume it's the kinda place that every interesting person, young educated person leaves immediately after college & moves to where I grew up.

I didn't say nobody got suspended, I said most. There were some dumb poorfags who did, but they weren't the majority.

Whatever, most white people I know who grew up in the suburbs are almost ashamed to admit it & if they aren't ashamed they aren't ever proud of it. They all say they couldn't wait to get the fucj outta of there unless it's an affluent or older established suburb but those are usually more like city neighborhoods anyway. It's funny that you think it's an insult to say Italians aren't white, if by white you mean German, English or Scottish then I don't know anybody who is jealous of their looks or wishes they looked or acted more like them, if anything those nationalities are always jealous of Italians because women like us more.

No need to get so defensive, Pasquale.

Haha, I'm ok. I just find it ironic making fun of growing up in New York City, which is probably the most desired location in the world, my grandparents bought their house in the 1960's for $30k & moved to Florida last year after selling their Brownstone in Brooklyn for over 3 million dollars to couple from Sweden who's dream was to live in New York. Not many other towns have that mass appeal, certainly not any suburb in America. I'm not mad though, at the end of the day we're all American unless you're one of those obnoxious Brits invading this sub.

I don't care.

He can't own a gun because he's too crazy and can't control himself, remember his stories? He's so out of control that he hasn't touched a drink in 40 years and only eats pretzels for his cheat meals.

You may be right. Somebody that had 3 Zimas in the early 90's is too great a threat for the NYPD

Jim talk more about what he eats than Jenny Craig.

Sorry man, your phone crapped out.

Pretzels is what you serve to people you don't like, the fact that they're his treat is sad and funny.

Jim Norton was seriously and severely abused as a child. His chronic sexuality starting at such an early age is not normal. He had several adult imaginary frinds, was drinking at an early age, and had a seemingly happy family he doesn't see but allowed him to live as a waste on the couch until his 30s. Part of his inner monologue is a pedophile who has assaulted all of his other characters. One of his most memoral dreams is getting beaten up by his childhood heroes, mask wearing faggots, only to be comforted. He did start drinking pretty young, and was a general deviant. All signs point to being a touched kid.


Dont forget hanging out with a 25 year old when he was 12

I know we push aside the shit Jim did as a drunk 17 year old, but getting a taste of his childhood is a horror show. He was hanging around with legitimate sociopaths, putting cat-shit in his friend's dad's paper to drop on him, pissing on the sink's faucets, vandalizing property, and contemplating throwing hot oil on a guy as a prank not seem like Jim is that well adjusted. The fact that Jim doesn't mine his childhood for comedy is also surprising. Even Opie made shit up, and Ant had a crazy and obvious messed up childhood, but what caused Jimmy to be the desperate attention seeking, fatasizing, sexual deviant he has never been explored.

Stanless Steel definitely touched Jimmy's inner-butt.

The whole monster rain story sounds like he was just sucking his friends off, and he's playing it as "we would blow each other!" No doubt that this was a game he came up with and had to spring on people.

If you play it off a a joke it can't have the crippling weight of the emotional trauma you carry.

clapping like charles foster kane

My ex use to peg me with a 7" strap-on and Norton is way gayer than.me.

Username checks out.

It's funny because JoeCumiaSr's username is very applicable to their comment.
beep bop if you hate me, reply with "stop". If you just got smart, reply with "start".


Matt Serra took him to Renzo Gracie's jiu jitsu school apparently, Jim said something like maybe he'll get around to it one day. If a 60 year old former junkie chain smoking Anthony Bourdain can train 5 times a week, Jim could. Maybe he's worried about a slightly hung over training partner's alcohol tinged sweat dripping into his mouth.

If Al Bundy can get a black belt, so could Lil' Jimmy. He has been "goin' to the gym, eatin' better" for quite a while.

He's effeminate.

people obsess over what they do not have.

Guns masculine? That's a good one

His obsession with manly stuff is much like mac from always sunny. He turned out to be a homo.

Remember the time be talked about fat bob kelly licking cold cum out of his hand.

I imagine that is Jim idea of sex