If Papa Cumia was still alive do you think him and Anthony would be posting pics like this?

8  2017-04-30 by TheNigIsUp


Im really questioning the dad in this scenario

What? You don't love your son? You sound like a shitlord.

I dont have a kid doodooqueen


That's what Opie calls his retarded cunt of a daughter

maybe its about reducing electricity bill or saving environment.

I've never had a kid, but I kind of assume that if you've seen your kids asshole and dick hundreds of times, you get desensitized to the idea. Any child who thinks this is a good idea is a monster.

Whaaaat the fuck?

Is that a father and son? Or father and daughter? The one laying in the water is obviously a guy but the one on top looks like it could go either way.

It took me a while to figure it out. The one on top is a man. Male pattern baldness.

I thought perhaps it was some balding dude who was taking hormones and starting on the path to eventually mutilating himself to become a "woman".

Maybe it's just the angle, but it looks like he's developing gynecomastia (Hughes Syndrome). What a fag.

Those A's could go either way. Sure, you can't slap them tits around, but I'd like to throw my card in for a nice supple suckling. You want it you balding breasted faggot.


Suuuuurrrree we used to take bath together. Was easier to clean the mess after we played bounce on the pogo stick.

Shurrre we all grow up a little

Holy fucking Christ that is some weird shit. Fuck the internet making hokey retarded assholes think this is at all cute and tremendously weird.

"This country is finished" - Colin Quinn

fucking gross, and I don't even dislike faggots.

I do, and this is why.

I don't question the father in this situation. But I question the ever christ out of the child. What would posses you to do this... I volunteer to be the tranny hitler who gets rid of all the creepy sexual deviants.

No one cares about you larping as a tranny. Go die in a fire.

You clearly care, closest fag. Just admit your homosexuality and I will purify you in flames of righteous fire.

Low quality bait.

Not low enough, apparently. If you want to talk to me, send a PM instead of being a nancy.
