Comedic genius Sam Robertson does awesome impersonation, uses the same voice for two different characters. (Link in comments)

27  2017-04-28 by ricswrangler

19 comments @23:59 Carries on with Travis about Adam Sandler's movies being the best, then introduces his sound board with a clip from 2007 "hump day" commercial. Gets total silence from Jim.

You think the "hump day" sound board was supposed to get a big laugh?

Roberts thought it would.

No he didn't.

He probably thought that Adam Sandler sucks too, right?

He's a faggot for liking Adam Sandler, but the sound clip was obviously supposed to be ironic and cringy.

It failed, sam

This is what I imagine it sounded like with Gregg except Jim was Gregg.

the guy who does voice of the hump day camel is the fat dude in This Is Us. the more you know...

That guy was also the leader of a white supremacy group in the movie Imperium.

How long until Sam is telling callers "I was never supposed to be the funny guy".

Sam is the only guy I can think of that had a son and it made him an even bigger faggot.

I thought that was all men?

Opie laughed at Uncle Paul, then he had a kid and sent memos "down the hall" to prevent Jim from doing that character.

For a retarded Jew hater, he's a cunt. He licks his mother's gray haired chicken tendy dispenser for good boy points. He likes to dip his tendies in his mom's shit for extra mommy goodness.


jeez is right. that's quite graphic, Mr. Nigga!


sam is a faggot