Opie's not happy with the changes at Faction Talk because he's a FAGGOTITO.

16  2017-04-28 by TangerineReam


Is that pronounced fag-oh-TEE-oh or fag-OH-tee-show?



"Were the best... the best" - Sherrod

Yeah that's why the show got moved to afternoons, and they're dropping your replay and trying out covino and rich to eventually take your time slot

Dassabessdoe. Jus screamin at each other and cookin.

Dassabessdoe. Jus screamin at each other and cookin.
And laughing!!

Dassabessdoe, just fuckin', alienating your core audience because your dumb ass thinks you can go "mainstream", helping to get your racist partner fired because you forgot he was your meal ticket, deluding yourself into thinking literally a single person ever listened to "Opie and Anthony" for Opie and not one of the dozen or so people who made the show funny over the years.

Well the new boss Is a dick sucker and your replacement was your intern so that's gotta be a double shot to the head. Vic, Black Sherrod and the Cuban may be out of work in 6 months. It was revenge for Tony Cumia and a lot of other things. And there was nothing they could do about it. Tony was a funny man and Opie wasn't. They had to sit still and take it. It was among the media Jews. It was real penny pinching shit. They even gave his mom his cell number so she could call to tell him what a disappointment he's been.

I was gonna be busy all day...I had not answer my phone all day and blame it on my pneumonia while still being able to twitter for some reason, I had to bring my kids around with me and ignore them while I made a my millionth attempt at a viral video, and then I had to go back home and ignore my family while I checked twitter for the stray "A-lister"'s that just happened to retweet me by accident...

tell me quick now ain't that a kick in the fukken pekka or sumthin

"CHIIIP!" -Colin Quinn

Lol did they get TJ Miller on the phone just to let him ask one question, talk over him for the next few minutes and then go to break? What a shitshow

If the replay at that time slot is so important then why not move your shows time to 4-8 or somethin tsss

He's fucking delusional. It's like the person who says "everyone I know are asshole's" and doesn't realize they are the problem.

Ooohhh!!! He's a fagatron.

"this guy ive been very close with over the years" shut the fuck up u faggot. always talking in riddles and shit trying to make everything so dramatic

He is so delusional that he can't - for one solitary second - find some self-awareness and consider the possibility that his slots are being given away because his show - like him - lacks any semblance of entertainment. He reacts as if these rational decisions are completely irrational, and that rather being based on listenership, they are based on - what? A multi-layered conspiracy against him?

How is this asshole still in radio?

Best line by some spic I've never heard of (he's a cook or something?): "There's nothing more toxic than uncreative people managing creative people." How does that sentiment have ANYTHING to do with Opie's situation?

He's unintentionally referring to Opie. But it's "the fawkin guyses down the hall!"

I get that, but I still fail to see how "creative" could ever be used to describe Opie.

Fry cooks don't know shit about radio. Opie told him his fake version of history about how he's the genius behind everything and he believes it. He probably also believes Howard is jealous of Opie.

If we were stranded on a desert island with Opie, I think we would genuinely find a excuse to kill him. Some of you would side with him, try to talk us down. But you wouldn't stand in our way.

And after we got rescued, we would tell the world he slipped on some seaweed and cracked his head open. None of us would crack and tell the world the truth.

Thinking about this makes me feel warm, like watching a video of a cute dog walking on it's hind legs and wagging it's tale.

I'd suck your dick within 4 minutes of being washed ashore.

hope you enjoy the taste of my spit

I don't need a desert island excuse.

Hoagie Boy was being quite short with him, it seems.

I love that E-Rock's completely rational logic was derailing Opie's poor excuses

If you take anything away from this, its that. Opie like the narrative that management hates him. When in reality, they're trying to deal with a tumor they cant get rid of.

Notice he's had the management persecution theory since WAAF. I think maybe the original XM management liked him for a few months, then he thinks their lack of advertising was a conspiracy.

Tits: "I found out through Twitter!"

E-Rock: "We called you...."

Tits: "I had pneumonia! Did you try sending a registered letter? No? Didn't think so!"

What a cunt.

At around 4:20 (dude, weed! lol) Opie says:

Well in the end they're all slight pause worms...

Honestly: Leave it to Opie to once again prove why he's the number one most hated person in the entire O&A universe. He needs to be eliminated, followed by Anthony soon after.

Yep. I noticed everyone on this sub has laid off of him for a while, but he's STILL the reason why we can only look back on the majority of the great XM/Sirius shows in anger and contempt.

People only say Sam and Jim are worse because they listen to it from time to time. Who listens to Opie more than twice a year when a clip gets posted of him being a giant faggot. Most Opie exposure is from his tweets.

Honestly: Leave it alone.


Erock is going into his shell.

holy shit that was awful. I thought you guys were exaggerating about the fake laughing. WOW.


"I believe the show is working"

Do ya?

LOL @ pneumonia excuse. Remember when he conveniently had some 'family medical issue' on the VERY last day of the O&J show and didn't show up?