Opie vs. E-Rock on Thursday's Show

30  2017-04-28 by FlashVirus

I sat through a portion of the show to hear Opie's take on the replay situation and I'll sum up his heated discussion with Eric.


Timestamp 1:06:00

Opie: I found out on Twitter...nobody told me a FAWKING thing.. not a FAWKING word

E-Rock: There were several attempts to contact you.

Opie: I was FAWKING in bed with pneumonia. E-rock I BEG you not to take their side.

What a douche.


Jesus, say pneumonia again you whiney sack of shit.

He loves the idea of being too sick to work.

You know what's staggering? The fact that Opie feels like everybody should have put the world on hold until he recovered from pneumonia. Fuck, what an absolute cunt. Answer your fucking phone, dickhead.

When Opie's at home, Bam won't let him use his phone.

Bam got sick of Opie recording Bam fucking Lynsi

You couldn't possibly post more unfunny shite if you tried. It's like you've heard a few key phrases grown ups use and decided to see if they work when you say them.

Hi Opie.

Isn't it more likely that you're Opie, considering you're so fucking oblivious and I specifically called him a dickhead in my previous post?

Just do what Bam tells you.

Don't make things hard on yourself.

That doesn't even make sense.

Definitely opie then.

The joke died a while ago. Just stop.

The arbiter of comedy has spoken. No more jokes on this day.

Good girl. Xxxxxxxxx

You're fucking terrible. A bot could pull random words from this sub, and I bet it would be just as funny and coherent as that. Just stop trying.

When Opie's at home, Bam won't let him use his phone.

Bam got sick of Opie recording Bam fucking Lynsi

Opie wants Bam to be "the Bull" but Bam finds the whole thing awkward, and put Opie on the 'pay no mind list.'

I'm just saving this incase he deletes it so we can all see how terrible it is.

I'll take my beating

Eh certainly wasn't the worst piece of shit I ve read on here

I may have overreacted.

He doesn't really, he just wants to be a whiny piece of shit. If they had gotten in touch with him he'd whine about the way they said it and do a shitty impression of whoever's voice it was.

The man is a cunt.

Erock, I needed you that day man. -Opie to Erock while eating cat meat in Rochester at their favorite Vietnamese restaurant, in 6 months after doing Wease's show

If Opie did have pneumonia, he had his phone in his bed with him because he would most certainly be trying to make a viral video of himself coughing up phlegm. He knew exactly what was happening, but he loves to play the victim card.

He wants to spin it like they kicked a man while he was down, as if that's not what everyone is excited for.

The rink no wolk fol me. Lacism?

Tsss what didya go figure skating or sumthin tssss?

Buried that cocksucka.


Yeah, sam is worse than opie. Sure.

this clip needs to be revisited every time someone makes that claim

That is the most unlistenable piece of shit show I have ever heard.

It really is, I've listened to about 3 hours total of Opies show. Every time I try to give it chance I only can make it through about 10 or 15 minutes. It's been months since I've even attempted to listen but it's not like the other fellas are doing groundbreaking radio either. Sam & Jim, Anthony & his whole network are all equally as awful as Opie's shit show. I've haven't heard any of their voices for months now & I believe I'm a better person for it, my only connection with the show now is this sub.

You're a sad man

Is this part of the r/RoastMe schtick, that your so fond of judging by post history?

No not at all. I just don't get why people who don't listen or can't stand these guys, spend time typing away about how much they hate them

Perhaps the sub has passed you by.

Are you a Opie fan?

Not at all.

If you hate Opie then why are you posting on the O&A sub? I thought you can't stand people who do that.

What about that Chumbawumba bit? That was AWESOME!

Sherod sounds like he is doing a parody of himself. Literally everything he says is about race.

He has nothing else to talk about.

Jesus christ I usually purposely avoid listening to these Opie clips but I wanted to hear him cry about his situation. This show really is as bad as everybody says. Opie cant die soon enough

He didn't have pneumonia. A friend of mine got it recently. He's a fit guy in his early thirties and he was bedridden for nearly a month. At Opie's age it can practically kill you. Tits probably just had a cough. He's so full of shit.

I'm sure opies lying but you can get walking pneumonia and not be bed ridden.

How great would it be if Sirius demanded a doctor's note?

I'm no Doctor, but does your "friend" happen to wear robes around the house and have a small dog in his possession?


Opie is such a rube.

"When management moved me to afternoons they said they did it because they wanted a huge afternoon show on both coasts"

They were burying you stupid. Your show has no impact. All they had to do was flatter Opie and he's "all in"

Psst. He's lying. He went to afternoons kicking and screaming and knew full well why they were doing it.

You're giving Opie way to much credit. He was bamboozled by flattery, because even though he acted like some rebel, the opinions of management, and them liking the show is important to him.

sir, it's Opie, he's definitely delusional enough to think that in all other scenarios involving another radio show getting booted to early afternoons this would be an attempt to bury it, but this is Opie FAWKING Raqio, and he probably believed this to be an exception.

Wasn't he the one pushing for afternoons before Anthony got fired?

I know this is basically rhetorical at this point but: why does opie think siriusxm owes him respect? All he's done for the last 8 years is bitch about the company and show no loyalty by constantly threatening to leave. Hell, he said after he got his new 1 year contract that there was no chance he'd re-sign.

The arrongance is truly astounding. You'd figure a guy with no talent, piggybacking on the success of others his entire career, would be a little humble by this point. But i guess that's sociopathy for you.

I want Erock to just snap and use his fat piggy boy strength to crush opies skull as Vic chip snorts away, carl laughs over the top and Sherrod screeches like a monkey. Those three are then taken out the building and dumped on the street bewildered and never heard from again. Erock becomes president of Sirius xm and has all the treats he deserves until he dies of fat in 2023

So has the pendulum swung back the other way?

Opie's show is worse than J&S again?

Good God. I had forgotten how awful it is to listen to Sherrod and Vic Henley. Awful.

I find it very hard to believable that Opie wasn't checking his @ mentions constantly and looking for tweets from his 9 fans asking why he wasn't on.

Related, I had no idea Opie wasn't on.

Poor did nothing but trash management for years, and now that management treats him like trash he acts like a baby. It's why can't stand him.

Opie to the world while he has pneumonia: HOLD ONNN!

Jesus Christ, Opie. Erik is like the last guy from O&A that's in your corner. What an ungrateful, delusional twat.

Jesus Christ he still does the Bennington thing where he lazily says his words and adds an S's on the end. It's spooky how I can go months without hearing his voice and just 10 seconds in he can fuel my hatred for him.


can one of you computer geniuses isolate what Sherrod says at 1:57:55????

ERock sounds like he does not want to talk to Opie, and Opie takes that vibe he's giving off as "oh, you're also not happy that they're talking away the replay." lol

I think Erock will end up on "the morning show" sooner than October

The rejoiner is Over the Falls by Primus. How appropriate.

Erock sounds like he's had enough of this shit

Erock's co-hosts suck, and all the cartoon talk sucks, but Erock is surprisingly good at hosting his own show.

Perhaps the sub has passed you by.

Are you a Opie fan?