The first casualty of Brother Joe is innocents' saliva.

6  2017-04-28 by FilipinoTransHookers


I never used photoshop before so I know it sucks but go ahead and tell me anyway.

When you cut an image zoom way in and you will get cleaner cuts and you should have just cut Joe's head with no neck.

Yeah, I zoomed in a bit for Macauly even though as a floating head it didn't really make much difference. The BroJoe pic I used was of lower stock and I tried just the head but the skin tone clashed with the neck, I planed to try and match the skin tones but the first few things I did fucked it up.

Put less space in between your cut dot things and you could have adjusted the hue on just the bro Joe layer to match the skin of Elias.

I tried adjusting the hue I couldn't get it. Elias has a lot of blood and dirt on him so the colors just look off.

It's fine for your first time using Photoshop, and I'm not trying to be a dick or anything just giving some pointers. Look up how to layer mask if you want to blend better.

Oh I appreciate the advice I didn't think you were being a dick, although I do expect that here. I downloaded PS just to do this, I came up with the idea a few days ago. Now that I have it I'll try and look up a few tutorials some time.

Fun movie fact:

Oliver Stone actually used Brother Joe's insight for one of the scenes. The way Joe sat on his ass and smoked joints on some army base in 1975 helped him guide the actors in the underworld scene where Sheen smokes through the rifle barrel. He was also mysteriously able to give Stone detailed accounts of the My Lai massacre despite never being there.