Global Reddit Meetup?

2  2017-04-28 by beier5

Global Reddit Meetup is comming up soon! Does anyone have any ideas for a time and place to set one up for /r/opieandanthony?


I've got my orange hair dye and joker impression ready to go. See ya there!

Let's touch the tips of our AR's

A joe matarese show

F.H Rileys or Basil T's guys?

Everyone here should drink cyanide as a bit

we're taking a trip up your mother's ass.

Let's hope the meetup is in Pyongyang moments before the bombs drop.

We can all wear blackface and when they try to throw us out just say we're dressed as Anthony Cumia.

I'rr be in New Yolk in Jury if anyone wants to meet? I'm down fol whatevel bluh.

Wanna play emperor and concubine?

Tsss yeah what plocubine ol sumthins

Knickers pretending to be chinese pretending to be jim norton pretending to be chip. Its like inception but even stupider.

If we tried to plan a Opie and Anthony sub meetup, I'm pretty sure we'd be protested by the Shoah Foundation.

which side of the pond ya on chip chip favourite colour chip chip

Lets give Stinks a hot-shot

The back of my van is open for any of you redditards. I'll bring plenty of beer. The bottles are already gonna be open when you get here but don't you worry about it.

We should all meet up and jerk each other off and kill ourselves like as a joke.

Let's all off ourselves and meet in hell (dvv dvv)

We are all meeting at Al Eppo's. Amirite Gary (retard)Johnson.