So I guess there is a music fest going on in the Bahamas for rich millennials and it's turned into quite the shitshow

4  2017-04-28 by TheNigIsUp


People paid up to 20k for tickets that were supposed to include a private jet, 2 bedroom room and 5 star food.

What they got was a charter flight in economy, a tent(that wasn't even ready when they arrived) and a cold cheese sandwich with a salad.

Reports are that they have run out of food and that people spent hours in the rain when they first got there while they tried to set up the dome tents.

people my age deserve to die worse than jews

Yeah if you look up the Twitter pics from there it's hilarious. It literally looks identical to the Katrina fema camps and they got served cold cheese sandwiches in a deli clamshell takeout tray.

For that price you can purchase a brown person as a sex slave, much better use of the money.

The people who have this kind of money can have their rich person concert and their brown person sex slave.

This puts me in a great mood

Here's hoping they resort to cannibalism sooner rather than later.

Here is the Reddit for the shitshow if anyone is interested.

Who the fuck would go to a Ja Rule festival 17 years after his career peaked?

This is fanfuckingtastic

I really hope some of the posts are serious, even just a 1/4 of the bad ones would be hilarious.

Most them are just trolling now, but the shitty tents the shitty food and them grounding all flights to the festival are 100% real.

how could Ja do this to us 😞😞😞

Tyga will be headlining.

Let me stop you right there.