Opie is salty that Dipaulo is taking his 3-6 replay spot.

65  2017-04-27 by Nezlo_Nuke_Em

I heard Ellis talking about it this morning (he was pissed because he wanted his boy Rude Jude to get that spot who I think is actually really good) and then I just heard Opie whining about with dumb Sherrod, Vic, and the mad Cuban. He's all pissy and whatnot about it. I never heard DiPaulos radio show but I always liked him on o and a and all the spinoffs. And Opie having 6 hours straight blocked off in the middle of the day annoyed the shit out of me. What do you guys think? the end of Tits&the Gang is near?


I can't put my finger on why, but I hate the way you type and I hope you die horribly.

Fair, I didn't go to college and just scraped by in high school. Typing and writing aren't my strong suits.

This is why I love Reddit.

What the fuck are you talking about? You literally never post on this sub and you randomly pop up in this particular thread and post the same stupid sentence a million faggots have posted before you on Reddit? You're a real creep, bucko.

That's fair.

This sub is like that restaurant where all the waitresses yell at you.

Now that's funny

The Weiner Circle!

A crumb creep.

I like your honesty feller

Poor lil' feller.

You shouldna done that. He's justa boy.


Dasdabessdo just eatin french fried taters n shit

What's taters?


His honesty makes me even angrier.


hey, better late than never

Add thinking into your weak strong suits.

I hope you die horribly


You went to an all negro high school, the education system failed you.

tss suits what are ya a business man or sumpthin tss

You type fine. He wrote, 'I can't put my finger on why'.

It's the way he spells Di Paolo.

He spells it the way LI trash pronounces it. You get that kind of dumb guy voice in your head when reading his post.

Well I am Long Island trash sooo... Ha

Me too, how do you think I can spot it a mile away?

It's also that way in Jersey.


I'm happy to see you boys united finally.


He writes the way the Pepperidge farms narrator speaks.

Someone link it when it's uploaded to YouTube.

It does seem with Nick being more a Jim guy that other new show being Sam pals that they are the 'boss of the channel' now. Ellis was talking up rude jude getting a show after opie's slot months ago so seems he's lost some of that heat.

Even if the perception is that they are the boss, how fucking funny is that? The channel, just 6 short months ago, was NAMED after him for Christ's sake. Now, he has ZERO say. That is so great

It's as if they figured out he is shit.

Obviously we all hated the idea of Opie having his name plastered on the studio walls, but I also hate the idea of Jason Ellis thinking he is "the guy" now. He is fucking devoid of talent, and I want him to go away.

he wanted his boy Rude Jude to get that spot who I think is actually really good

No, he isn't

Eh, he's got a distinct voice and I find him interesting and pretty funny. His fat narcoleptic mess of a partner is garbage but I think Jude is pretty talented. Is there any radio guy that you guys actually like? You guys hate ant, Jimmy, Sam, Opie(as do I though), Ellis, Tully, Jude, stern, etc etc who do you think does good radio?

By partner I think you meant Lord Sear, they don't work together anymore

Yeah, that's the waste of space I was referring to. I haven't listened to Jude's show in a while I didn't know they split. Is he solo now or did he get a new partner? If so who is it?

Solo, just some lame News guy

Sir Dennis Falcone

Lord Dennis Falcone

Exalted Cyclops Dennis Falcone

Blessed be thy name o Tinkle Lord.

Eh, you're gay

Not that thele's anything wlong with that.

Ah yes, the distinct voice of white guy acting black. Can't get enough of that.

I'm all for anything that makes Opie lose sleep at night

I'm sure Lynsi and Bam keep him up with all the hard, passionate love making. allegedly


He probably puts earplugs in before he puts that on for the nights he's over

what the fucking fuck?

Bam's moved on, I'm sure.

Actually, the white noise of Lynsi's head bouncing off the headboard in the next room puts Opie right to sleep.

Still amazed Opie managed to hijack the Mad Cuban from Roland.

Vic and Sherod are both "comedians", and I could tolerate them a couple of times a year. I actually liked Vic (a couple of times a year) because he was easy going and knew a little bit about everything. Obviously, neither of them is every day material.

I'm not saying "the mad Cuban" never said anything funny when he was in making omelettes or whatever, but how the hell did he wind up a regular on a comedy show that reaches millions that some people still seem to listen to?

He's got nothing better to do? It's easy money?

...reaches millions?


Yeah they just have to crack that big 50,000 barrier and the sky is the limit. Nobody listens to this shit any more except people in here and people starting their rental car for the first time.

He learned how to count from Scorch.

Learned how to use Reddit's strikethru font just for this

I actually liked Vic

I hope you get raped and die of AIDS.

Halfway there

He's also gets a little pissy at E-Rock because Opie is whining how he had to find out about this switch from Twitter but E-Rock says they tried to contact him (Opie claims he was too sick in bed to check his phone haha) and then whines about how E-Rock himself didn't try to contact him personally to tell him about it.

Why is he always sick? Charlie Sheen has a better immune system.

Mmm hope he gets deathly ill and dies soon

He found a lump on his breast. Give the guy a break.

The elderly tend to get sick alot.

He's always sick because he doesn't wash his hands. He's a dirtbag.

Ol piss socks.

then whines about how E-Rock himself didn't try to contact him personally to tell him about it

Why the fuck should he be expected to.

If you're going to write a post about someone can you at least google their name first.

He got too excited after using "salty", and lost his focus wondering if he could cram "shade", "shook", "woke", or "on fleek" into the title.

Huh, I didn't know those people could write.

Snow White knight and the 7 cuckholds


I love DiPaolo's show aside from his awful soundboard, he and Opie have had a weird "cold war" between them for a while now.

Jim was worried about "spoiling" the surprise or getting in trouble about Nick coming to the channel, but I guess no one has told them Nick has been talking about it on his show almost every day for at least a month.

Didn't Ant and Nick grow up together? If so, that's all the reason Opie has to hate him.

No, dumb WOPs spread out all over the East Coast in the early 1900s.

They don't all live in the same tenement in Brooklyn, unfortunately.

No that was Adam Ferrara, another painfully unfunny guy like Joe Currie that he also grew up with.

He gets regular acting work though. Nick should be auditioning for those roles, he's actually a good actor from what I've seen of him on Louie and that one line he had on the Sopranos.

He's no better at acting than he is at comedy you fruit.

Yeah he's pretty good.

I just remembered he was good on Lucky Louie too as the building super. And on Louie's Horace and Pete debacle. Why is Louie the only one giving him acting work?

Because I think he has a Patrice "fuck everyone" kind of attitude that doesn't help, and he's probably not helped himself by being outspokenly right wing/pro Trump ish, either.

Good point. He was on Brett Butler's show 'Grace Under Fire" in the mid to late 90's, when network sitcoms got 15+million views a week, and syndication deals were still enormous, but I seem to remember hearing that he alienated himself from the producers even then, with his attitude and politics, and took himself down from a series regular to a guest star, which at the time meant a huge money difference.

I used to love that show, it followed Roseanne for a while. That's when I first fell in love with William Fichtner, he played the weird neighbor. I don't remember Nick though.

They announced yesterday they're doing new Roseanne episodes. Roseanne is one of the best and most underrated shows in sitcom history, but Roseanne is so fucking batshit these days I don't see how this could work.

Nick's got a show?

Yes, it's the subject of this thlead.

He's got a podcast ("pawdcast"), it's free on Monday and for $4 a month he does two & sometimes 3 other shows a week.

"What's wrong opie? Ya look tired."

I think they will either tell him to hit the road in October or at the very least give him a low ball humiliating offer to continue with the channel.

you think that jude guy is good? his fake wigger voice is an instant radio punch for me. he sucks

Not fake, he grew up on 8 mile.

Sirius should only hire Anthony to co-host with Rude Jude.

Eminem's accent is fake too. They're both white.

There are so many tough parts of Detroit but nowadays if you're from Detroit you have to associate yourself with 8mile anymore.

Rude Jude is a lame moron.

You listen to Ellis? I come here to talk shit, but I don't listen to any of these fucking faggot shows. Jim & Sam was the last bastion and when they jumped the shark with their constant faggot talk I went full podcast. Every show on Faggot Talk is gay and DiPaulo sucks fucking balls that's why his other shows always fail because he's boring as fuck. Nice guy, just boring.

Fuck yea! Talk shit! Faggots! You're edgy as hell, bro.

I'm living on the edge like the Aerosmith song so just step on back there genius. This isn't a dress rehearsal. Takes two to tango, muffin and let's just say I can add really well. Feel me? Thought so.

I'm offended. Nick Dipaolo is hilarious. May I please haveadick now? ROFL

Getting hired at Sirius is like working a gig in Branson. It doesn't count and means you've given up.


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I think the Opester gets an inordinate amount of hate, that's what I think!

No, he gets the right amount.

DiPaulo is funnier than most of the comedians O&A had on.

Don't say salty again please, unless you are referring to salt

Isn't Nick a less funny version on Ant? Gonna be 3hr of Trump talk.

Nick is great if you are too busy to check /pol/ for a few days. I listen to his show more than Ants. Actually I haven't listened to Ant in over a year.

That line-up, not a laugh to be found.

And OP, I don't know or care who Rude Jude is, but if you like him he must be a complete fucking faggot.

I like Rude Jude, and can't listen to DiPalo's whiney shtick. I hate him.

Found the nigger

Did you catch him by his toe?

If he hollers let him go

It will be pleasing when Opie is given the 12-3 am spot.

I sub to nick on connectpal. Love his show. He can carry it solo easily unlike opie. And he riffs great with any comic out there. Any O&A appearance of his is great. He mentioned on his last connectpal show that his plan is to bring on his comic friends. If Opie truly thinks his replay is better for the channel then he's a fucking maniac.

Doesn't he have joe matarese on a lot? Hope he doesn't bring that faggot or that crying baby sound effect. But yea, his show is great

I've subbed for a few months and havent heard him on once.

so now he has 4 podcasts a week and 5 radio shows? god bless him, but he will burn out fast, if that is his schedule.

Nick Dipalo is like Cosmo Kramer; in small doses he's hilarious and is most brilliant when playing off of somebody; but isn't great at carrying their own show. Plus, neither of them like niggers.

Fair, I didn't go to college and just scraped by in high school. Typing and writing aren't my strong suits.

I'm sure Lynsi and Bam keep him up with all the hard, passionate love making. allegedly

Even if the perception is that they are the boss, how fucking funny is that? The channel, just 6 short months ago, was NAMED after him for Christ's sake. Now, he has ZERO say. That is so great

He got too excited after using "salty", and lost his focus wondering if he could cram "shade", "shook", "woke", or "on fleek" into the title.

It's the way he spells Di Paolo.

He spells it the way LI trash pronounces it. You get that kind of dumb guy voice in your head when reading his post.



He learned how to count from Scorch.

what the fucking fuck?

Not that thele's anything wlong with that.

Learned how to use Reddit's strikethru font just for this

He writes the way the Pepperidge farms narrator speaks.

I'm living on the edge like the Aerosmith song so just step on back there genius. This isn't a dress rehearsal. Takes two to tango, muffin and let's just say I can add really well. Feel me? Thought so.