Norton has gone too far this time. Joking is all well and good until it gets people killed.

16  2017-04-27 by OKDokeComputer


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Aren't we all blocked at this point

sad thing is, Jim probably feels ashamed now that she called him out and will not post about bruce again.

The snowflake blocks me for politely pointing out that calling Jim transphobic is illinformed

Why am I surprised?

Really, @AngryBlackLady is completely devoid of a sense of humor? What a fucking shock.

Some people are too radicalized or entrenched in their gender/identity politics to ever be irretrievable as an actual human being capable of observing and appreciating context, nuances, etc. This bitch is too far gone.

Bullshit. She's out there in the TRENCHES every fucking day writing very important articles SUCH as:

Black Hair Discrimination Is Real—But Is It Against the Law?

Digusting, pointless negress.

So what if the United States has a current national debt of $20,000,000,000 and we're on the brink of thermonuclear holocaust. The real issues in today's world are jokes that target >0.3% of the total population

This is the other side of dumb. It's a wordplay joke and now you're babbling about the national debt.

All postmodernists/critical-theorists/marxists/etc have is beliefs about how oppression is everything. This stuff is basic in college now, so a huge percentage of the population views anything related to equity as the most important thing in the world.

Wrong sign moron. <

"Yeah, come on comedian, you're supposed to be a moral arbiter and not say things you find funny!"

If a joke makes you want to kill yourself, you have severe untreated mental issues.

I punched up the joke. I think this would work better and not contribute to a culture of violence: "Caitlyn Jenner says she may run for public office. Well all I can say is I wish her nothing but the best! #LoveIsLove" - Much better. Lives saved. Boom.

Gilgore right there to chime in!

THAT'S why I am a Gilgore Girl!

"I'll make my twitter handle 'AngryBlackLady' to poke fun at all the racist assholes who assume i'm short tempered and humorless when i'm actually really mellow and fun"


It's ok guys, Brian Gilgore is on it, defending Jimmy.

6h Brian @brianpicl Replying to @AngryBlackLady @JimNorton has provided more transgender people with housing and education than you will ever know

What a dumb cunt

How did we go from greasin slopes on the Me Kong Delta to this? Someone here said something similar to " We need a new World War to thin out the herd" and I agree completely. Fuck this humorless ape

Excuse me, Mister comedian. But you have a responsibility to only say positive things about whatever bullshit cause is currently in vogue.

Shit,I thought it was legal to kill its.My bad.