why is the Opester out this week?

2  2017-04-27 by scarletknight2

Cant find any fashionably ripped jeans? or skaterboi sneakers?


Breast cancer treatments.

Fucking Opie knows he had "allergies" every year. Maybe instead of waiting for them to be so bad that you miss a week of work you get out ahead of it and maybe do some half decent radio. I think the only thing GH is allergic to is work.

fishing. the blues are running.

Blues are great smoked. The high-end restaurants around here sell just their cheeks.

A lot of people think they're junk fish, but they're good eating if you clean and cook them right.

I know, I'm a fag.

I like them too.

He's wheeling and dealing to keep his chair in the hallway

Pneumonia aka AIDS.

It's pronounced 'amonoia.'

Kenny isn't around to drive him 20 yards to work ?

He's gone this time. Mark my words.

Keep the NYDEP on his ass, we all know hes surf fishing and keeping every guppy he gets in front of his summer home in the Hamptons. Its not even close to summer hes already loafing....eh who could blame em Mi right?

He is back today saying "I THOUGHT we were doing great" (hinting about the channel changes, specifically NickDip taking his replay at 6). Now the ol Opster will be on just 3-6pm.