At last Jim and Sam having some old o&a guests on

16  2017-04-27 by Dennyislife

Dr ian Smith and mike bocchetti


I wish they had a UFC fighter and/or WWE wrestler on!

I loved the long interview with the female wrestler about her depression. Absolutely riveting stuff for a comedy morning show.

It's like when a television show is about to be cancelled and they bring back a former cast member who had left the show for something better. Nothing can turn this dumpster fire of a show into anything decent.

Or bring back two shitty who gives a fuck guests

You actually got my hopes up.

Turn that frown upside down Colin is on the chip podcast on Monday

I can remember an old Kevin Brennan podcast that mentioned Colin hardly ever does podcasts. Since it is pretty rare, I always like when he pops up on any podcast.

he did the bonfire live at that austin comedy festival too.

Bonfires a radio show though


I came in expecting this but still find myself wanting to listen for Bocchetti. I'll take whatever I can get at this point.

Can't stand him. He's like a confident bobo without being funny

That bit they did with him and sandy kane is the only time he's made me laugh

2 of the worst guests that OnA had on.

Fuck Dr. Ian the smug prick.

Dr Ian never bothered me, but he wasn't there often.

I find nothing funny about Mike Bochetti, ever. I wish they put him and Bobo in a to-the-death cage match.

Can't stand him. He's like a confident bobo without being funny

he did the bonfire live at that austin comedy festival too.