They opened a new fag joint in the city

2  2017-04-27 by F_H_Rileys_MaitreD


Liberals have become infinitely entertaining. I really don't see how anyone can be mad at them anymore. They're just such precious pansexual wood sprites.

Since NYC is probably 80% Liberal, that place is going to make a shitload of money.

Growing up, I used to see all those great old New York 70s and 80s movies with the seedy Times Square and the graffiti-covered trains and think wow what a cool place, I'd love to live there one day. Then I moved there during the Guiliani/Bloomberg era and realized that entire place was gone, replaced by gentrified block after gentrified block of shitty art galleries, theme restaurants and tea cafes co-owned by Moby and other shitheads. Almost two decades later it's gotten so shitty I don't even know how anyone would call themselves proud to be a New Yorker anymore.

As a native NYer, I only half agree with you. I think the gentrification has brought a lot of horrible fucks with money here and made it a city full of pretentious transplants, but you can keep the graffitti trains and the street crimes that went with it. I remember Times Square in the very early 90's and it did have a certain charm. Plus, it was a predictable containment area for various perverts/creeps, prosties and druggies.

In my saaaafeee spaceeeee