Dumb question, but why does Gavin have the following he does?

13  2017-04-27 by disawayisthrows

He's not particularly funny, his gags and schticks are about as hacky as they get and he has a fundamentally flawed view of the way the American political system works. Why the fuck does he have such a huge following and how did the proud boys even become a thing?


They like guys with beards

Fags like fags.

That's the only reason why I'm still podcasting.

You might be a fag, but you're our fag.

Because people who politically identify that strongly are also incredibly gullible.

He's like a less entertaining, less talented Alex Jones in my book. At least Alex is original, Gavin just rehashes his own bullshit.

To get all meta lots of people never realize they can question shit they're told. And its ironic that the 'alt' anything community has tapped into that. Flat earthers and shit. When that james fray book came out a coworker was telling me about how amazing it was and top to bottom I'm saying to myself this whole thing sounds completely made up. She never in her life thought she could doubt something written in a book that said it was a true story. Those people are cash cows now. They're looking at articles from shady websites with zero citation that say 'such and such protest group says they plan to publicly castrate themselves in protest of trump wall' and they go huh huh dumb liberals and repost it on facebook.

This and your original post describe BroJoe almost perfectly. Throw in a massive helping of unearned hubris and it's him to a T.

My article example is 100% true, too. I said from the headline "no way this is bullshit." Then I googled the one name in the article and found zero hits, then I googled the organization and got zero hits. Then I started clicking back through the hot links and after 2 or 3 I found the source website which had a disclaimer "this is a work of satire." Now of course the 3 places that reposted it left out the satire part and these dum dums are sharing it with eachother and crowing about how superior they are to these dumb librals and their sharia law.

closeted fags love when they can do gay shit but claim that they are not gay.

just joshing around babe.


I see people posting this all the time, what does that mean? It's some little chant the proud boys have or something?

Yep. They took it from those Pan African Black Supremacists. Check out Black Hitler on YouTube sometime.

NYC. Hottest city in the world and everybody wants a piece of it.

I'm from New York. Wtf.

Yeah but you're a dumb fag

Gavin had a little flute in his breast pocket

He fills the niche of right wing dudes who are also degenerates.

He appeals to losers who had no father figure. He speaks in an authoritative tone and appears to work hard (harder than anyone in the O&A crew), which is appealing to them.

Yeah but Gavin is a mess in his personal life. His wife hates him and is ready to divorce him, and frequently drunkenly berates his children. He admits to this shit.

I don't understand how you can promote conservative family values and still act the way he does and believe it all.

His wife also looks like a fucking dude.

Ehh, I don't want to attack his wife or his kids. God know the type of stress he puts his entire family through.

Can't be nearly as stressful as when Jon Snow asked her to smash down the gates of Winterfell.


Maybe because he's doing schtick? I don't get why people take Gavin seriously. He's fucking around. He just takes angles that are provocative and runs with it. Right now he's the Proud Boy Antifa bashing Trump lover. In a year or two he'll have a totally different angle. I'm kind of indifferent to him but he's made me laugh a few times and he makes the occasional good point.

Well I'm not really interested in listening to opinions from someone who is 100% "fucking around." It's fine to play a character on a comedy show but if you're presenting yourself as a pundit, you have to at some point develop genuine opinions. You can't just troll people forever, it's boring.

Stephen Colbert did it for years. (And better than Gavin is doing)

That's fair. I like Gavin in small doses. I would never listen to his show everyday. Some media outlets were losing their minds the other day saying he's anti-semetic. The man just likes to provoke people and bush buttons. It's like Benjy on the Stern show. I don't know the 'real' Benjy or Gavin b/c they are very schticky.

Proud Boys look like a pack of fucking dorks that are just happy to belong to something, for a change.

Look at the kind of shit they value - bring born in the West? Haha fucking talentless uninteresting losers. But hey, if there is enough of them, like there is these days, people click up. Or in this case have cock swallowing parties where they try to name five cereal brands while gargling a pair of nerd balls.

If Gavin had a huge following he wouldn't be working for Keith the Cop.

True. But the proud boys have become an entity in themselves. The guy sucks, but he unfortunately has a fan base.

Ask someone on the street about the Proud Boys. No one will know what you're talking about. They're only big here. It's like asking about how Opie moving to afternoons impacted the radio business. No one cares.

Local news

Ask someone on the street about Lashkar e-Taiba, they wouldn't know who you're talking about but the fact is they're both religious terrorist groups with a prediliction toward young boys.

The guy has gone off the deep end but he does have a following bigger than Cumia, J&S and anyone related to the O&A universe. Most of his YouTube videos have over 200,000 views. I think he's leaving compound soon.

Hey, that means I can save 8 bucks a month.

I mean, other than ESDS, what else does Compound have to offer? Cumia is boring, sorry, he just is boring by himself, the only good show in recent memory was the taping that went out today with Jim and Sam, but it's still very forgettable.

That's bc it's rebel media, they're not all Gavin fans

Because bullied white kids like the shock value of a guy who isn't afraid to tell women to get back in the kitchen.

Aged hipsters in dead end jobs

As a joke, someone bought him fake followers on Twitter.

Like stupid Bobo.

He's funny. That is an indisputable fact.

He's funny and charismatic, at least compared to the other people in his space. Jon Stewart was not really funny either, but he was funny compared to news anchors which were - no matter what he claims - the people he was put up against. Same goes for Crowder, he's corny and silly but there's a marketplace for that when you consider he's beside Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and the goal is politics/arguments first, comedy second. They're not going to be better than Colin Quinn, but they're going to be better than John Oliver. This way, Conservatives can galvanize younger demographics to do things like protest and create memes and subversive art and all that shit Liberals were traditionally known for.

The Proud Boys are just a particularly faggy part of what is essentially the Right's Occupy Movement. What they seem to represent is a return tot traditional values, but also a bunch of random nerdy shit pulled from Gavin's personal experience, all the shit about clothes and naming cereal and getting tattoos. For that reason they're never going to be big, there's too many principles that seem unrelated. They love the West, and they also love Entrepreneurs, but they also love housewives, and they also like guns, and also you're not allowed to masturbate. None of these things really fit together as a coherent identity.

How did they form? The same way BLM formed, it started as a racial thing and is trying to convince everyone it's diverse. It's lonely, sad white guys who are looking for a Tyler Durden. In fact, Fight Club explains everything you need to know about this. This is also how cults form but I think the Proud Boys are too annoying and useless to ever get that far.

fundamentally flawed view of the way the American political system works


Badass screen name and yes I deserve that. Boo me.

The honest answer is really gay:

There's a lot of dudes out there who are, well, I wouldn't even say "right wing". They're disillusioned by the insanity of the modern left, identity politics and racial self-flagellating. They want someone, ANYONE to rally behind. Even a fucking faggot aging Canadian hipster.

liberal faggot.

Because 50% of the ppl in his demographic, living in North America are faggots. Faggots like listening to other faggots talk about political and social issues.

have you seen what other people call "leaders" and "movements"?

not exactly stiff competition.

I actually like Gavin, but I've been at least aware of him for like a decade, since he left Vice and started this site called Street Boners and TV Carnage that was basically like Derrick Beckels the guy from the first Truth ads doing Everything is Terrible type VHS edits, and Gavin doing his Dos and Donts column in a different format. Pretty gay but some of it was funny. Then I read his shit on Takimag, which was the first place I found where white people wrote about race issues from any perspective other than apologizing and self flagellating. I never really expected him to try to become a "personality" and his standup blows from what I've seen of it, but I do think he's funny off the cuff.

I like him mostly for the shit I find funny, the politics I mainly like that he's actually saying shit that is defensible but hasn't been allowed to be said in politics for decades. We're all supposed to think it's great that in 30 years London will have the appearance, demographics and culture of Islamabad. He's actually pushing the boundaries of what is "acceptable" to say and think in mainstream political discourse in ways that I actually like. The fact that he was allowed on Fox News is kinda crazy, even 10 years ago you coukdnt say that shit on the most right-wing media in the US, and he has helped make it possible. So that's a defense of Gavin. I'm not a proud boy though and it does seem kinda tryhard and queer.

He's Canadian, we love foreigners.

I'm from New York. Wtf.