Jim Bukowski shares his views on the bottle

1  2017-04-27 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


What a fucking embarassment, this isn't even humorous it's a goddamn exercise in faggotry. I really wouldn't mind if Jim suffered a spinal injury now.

jim norton told me that naked pics of boys are art if theyre in black and white and not illegal to have

If they're black and white that means the picture is so old that the kid is in his forties by now. Perfectly okay.

what about sepia

This fucker's still stuck in the pupal stage and desperate to be identified with and affliction/addiction.

He was a depressed teenage loser whether he drank or not, but would act out on it more when he drank, but because he couldn't handle his liquor at age 17 he still considers himself an alcoholic. He did a million anti-social things sober, but still thinks his problem was booze.

If they're black and white that means the picture is so old that the kid is in his forties by now. Perfectly okay.