Jim Norton vs Pixelated Boat

27  2017-04-27 by BumbiBestie


Oh boy. He is really going to go "full Ant" tomorrow. I expect "baaaaabies" to be used at least thrice. Followed by "ew".

Jimmy starting to follow in Anthony the Twitter area

Norton won't sleep well tonight. I haven't tuned into the show for a few months, and I still won't, but he'll definitely pontificate about this shit tomorrow.

I don't think anyone on earth appreciates transgender people more than Jim Norton. What an odd hill to die on.

Possibly Anthony Cumia.

This is making me genuinely butthurt. Some nobody is trying to lecture Jim about tranny cock? I'm going to sperg out.

Put aside any transphobia argument or being offended. That joke is hack as fuck. It's the first thing any dummy could come up with.

From what little I've seen of his standup, that is the type of jokes Jimmy does. Topical and a bit obvious.

... That's the bit.

if you make a joke about about a person in a group, you hate ALL MEMBERS OF THAT GROUP.

I wanna see the boat movie.

Accusing Jim Norton of transphobia is kind of like accusing Patrice Oneal of being alive.

Dija see that black guy singing songs with childrens? He's totally alive in spirit! Yeaaa-heah....

P.S. If you don't know, Pixelated Boat is part of "weird twitter". 99% of what weird twitter says is ironic but hilarious. They troll celebrities and douchebags who don't get it.

For some context. Other prominent members of weird twitter:





If I were Jim Norton, I wouldn't fuck with them

Were you riding on a big black dildo when you typed that comment?

Like almost everybody else, Jimmy doesn't like trans "people". Where Jimmy differs from the rest of us is his reaction to something he despises, which is to have sex with it and pay it to take shits on him.

It's hilarious to see these twitter people saying "HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON, faggot who makes cartoons! Jimmy like trannies because he pays them for sex!"

You couldn't say that you like women simply because you do wierd shit with female prostitutes.

a lot of dudes like jimmy claim to support womyns rights because they like strap on sex

I hate to be on the faggot side but that Jeffrey Tambor interview was kind of telling. He reacted with horror when Jimmy made it clear, albeit with a joke, that he values them because he likes fucking and paying them. Tambor's having a conversation where he's thinking of them as like aunts and neighbors, and it goes to basically 'AND DONT FORGET THEY HAVE COCKS YOU CAN PAY TO SUCK!!!! GET THAT COCK OUT FOR ME WHORE!!'

Link to Twitter. Die in a fire.

Sanctimonious SJW cunt

Why do people get so mad about jokes?

It's just an excuse to shit on someone, which feels good. See: Cersei to Unella.

Of all people in this world to call transphobic..

what a fucking moron. and his comics ooph...

No it's ok, even though Italians are the lowest of whites, they still have white privilege so it's ok to do Al Jolioli pizzaface jokes

im going to divert attention away from Jim and drop a few N bombs their way on twitter

Youre doing gods work.

joe rogan also called jim out for being transphobic cuz jim kept referring to them as "transsexuals" does anyone remember that? and jim does the "ive put a buch through school haha" thats like saying a dude who buys prostitutes or goes to strip clubs is incapable of being misogynist

Doesn't trans-phobia imply fear of or hate for something? Using a new word deemed "not exactly accurate" now means he hates them? When someone says "black guy" or "African-American" when speaking about a Haitian-Canadian are they now the same as a KKK member who kills people?

Other people just recognize that Jim is completely ignorant to what's trans people actually feel. Joe Rogan made the comment in jest because he is himself a bit transphobic. The point is, Jim only caters to the transgender community for sexual gratification and trans womyn would be split down the middle whether or not that is ok.

Well he also had Bailey Jay co-host his vice show. Would a misogynist hire a woman to co-host a show? Of course not, because they are terrible holes

Bailey jay isn't widely respected in the trans community, as majority of her fans are transphobic weirdo closeted gay dudes

Well Caitlyn Jenner isn't widely respected in the trans community either, and I identify as the trans community so if you disagree with me you're transphobic

Caitlyn isn't respected but she is trans, so the trans community was offended by Mr Nortons joke. Mr. Norton has befriended and paid several trans womyn but it turns out trans womyn act like real womyn sometimes and hate their suitors, occasionally. Which plays into Jim's femdom fetish as well. He has serious problems with sexuality, I think we can all agree there.

Type womyn again, it's really driving your point home.

Holy fuck, the level of faggotry on that thread makes Jim and Ant look straight.

Muh Virtue!

I read it in Steve C's voice

Don't dare make a joke about anyone that isn't a straight, white, male or it's hate-speech!