Pig Jay Oinkerson

35  2017-04-27 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Not good when you have to grow a beard to show the world you have a chin.

Everyone on here can relate

Ha! Jokes on you I can't even grow a beard!

You fuck one, though

no she left me :(

mom's gone?

yes and I'm actually going to hang myself this time no foolin. tell banks to get ready to spread the news of my demise.

Every fatass on here can relate

Yes, fashanoo, that was the joke.

I really resent being lumped in with all the ham-titted detritus on this sub. Lose weight, tubsy.

Gain more


Hard to catch up with you, pig boy

Loosing weight from rectal injections of aids-nigger sperm is not an accomplishment, faggot.

Does Jay know Sam Roberts is an ANTI-SEMITE? Maybe they should have an eating contest.

Do you think his perfectly plucked eyebrows are meant to distract from his fatness?

Na, that's what his neon green running shoes are for.

I can't wait for 20 years from now when 60 year old men will be walking around like this.

Bonfire should be daily on Faction Talk.

More like fat-tion talk

6'2", full head of hair, and he still managed to fuck his appearance up completely

Sam, go do prep for your show

I don't get it, is it cause he's balding?

receding hair line, only normal height due to exogenous growth hormone.

I started typing things out to critique what he's doing with his appearance. I simply gave up, there's just so much wrong here.

Start with the girth. The tremendous girth.

Big Gay Jokerson

Thats 👎 t photoshopped?

Last LoS episode they had some music fag on & he was like "Yeah we make drony stuff with a lot of delay" (describes what sounds like shoegaze)... Musical connoisseur Big Jay immediately jumps in: "WHAT, YOU MEAN LIKE TOOL & DEFTONES??"

Are there any comedians who aren't musically stunted unknowledgeable faggots?

Todd Barry is the only one I can think of who is knowledgeable about music.

Even Marc Maron, who talks about music a lot, doesn't seem to know much. Whenever he gets an LP in the mail from a fan, he's always like "woah, where did these guys come from???"

marc maron is a weird pretentious old creep, he doesn't know anything. he brags about reading basic high school syllabus books like a teenager.

Lord of the Flies AND To Kill A Mockingbird?

Hes like Fatter Kirstie Alley

Enough of the photoshops already.


What are you a ghost or something?

He looks like every juvie metalhead kid except 25 years older.

I was going to say he is every degenerate I knew as a teenager. Remember that one kid who "did stuff" with a girl before everyone and you never heard the end of it?

My degenerate was more into blowing up church doors, edgy satanism, and drug abuse, but yeah. They all share the same head.

I forgot to mention half the kids I'm talking about ended up dead from an OD


"There are two kinds of people who are against drugs: People who have never done drugs, and people who really sucked at doing drugs" - D. Stanhope

You just described my specific brand of teenage debauchery.

Ours was named Ron and he was a 17 year old security guard at a grocery store, when he was off work he'd hang out at local businesses and tell junior high kids how he peed inside a girl once.

It was like my own real life Bonfire.

I like this guy.

Ours was Jere. He was not at all afraid of getting girls pregnant. Never wore a bag, never even tried to pull out. He became a father at 19. Fun guy, but dumb.

He looks like the geown up kid from the movie matilda who ate the entire chocolate cake

upvote withheld bc its you did Jay instead of the traditional Gay

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The good thing is that all the grease he consumes goes straight to his hair.

This is Amy Schumer tho

America's best dressed comic.

I see this guy's name all the time and don't know who he is and don't care.

Everyone on here can relate

Does Jay know Sam Roberts is an ANTI-SEMITE? Maybe they should have an eating contest.
