I think Opie and maybe Jim and Sam wont be getting their contracts renewed "Fired" come this October....

5  2017-04-27 by sarahemmingway

Everyone is leaving..... the 2 Interns/Producer......Kenny.......Erock just had an interview somewhere else........everyone is leaving the sinking ship.....


more like the sinking ship is dumping the rotten tomatoes, but three tomatoes still feel ripe.

Also Erock did have an interview for a "man versus food" reboot, but apparently the food backed out

Wakka wakka



Opie will definitely go - Ellis will be gagging to throw one of his buddies that slot. J&S will probably keep mornings. I doubt management realise how bad it's become and I can't imagine Sam in particular is picking up a huge paycheck.

I admire your optimism but I'm pretty sure Jim and Sam signed a two year contract so they'll still be on until next October at least.

The whole channel will have scheduling conflicts.lol