Sam's occupation after J&S

17  2017-04-27 by BrianGilgoresDJ


Sad inner tube is sad.

He isn't qualified to be a paramedic

Sam Roberts is an anti-semite and holocaust denier.

Great Sahara Sams story-

I was there once, and there was this section where kids could cross the pool by jumping on lily pads while holding to the rope above them. Obviously you had to all start from the same side, go in the same direction, and take turns. This one kid clearly didn't care much for rules. He started from the wrong end and started climbing through the lily pads while plowing kids out of his way left and right. The lifeguard, (just some 17 year old douchebag) was going "Dude! you can't go that way! Dude!" He was just screaming at him for a solid 20 seconds but the kid wouldn't listen. Finally, the kid slips off and falls into the pool. Everyone thought it was over....and then the fucking kid started drowning. Not only was he trucking kids over on a precarious water obstacle course, he couldn't fucking swim. So the douchebag lifeguard has to jump in and save his mortal enemy. It was the highlight of my day.

Places like that are always just filled with complete weirdos. It's hard to even enjoy Disneyworld because everyone is just so autistic and strange. What the hell happened.

Ha, should'a let the little twat sink.

Who are we kidding? Sam will get a low-level broadcasting job at WWE. It won't pay much, but he's too much of an obsessive fanboy to do anything else.

And they'll keep him just because he's cheap labor.

And Bradshaw will pants him and pretend to rape him in the Raw locker room.

The last professional dispatcher