"I Will never forget this experience" - Erik Nagel

12  2017-04-27 by BrianGilgoresDJ


He found a sandwich with pork, beef, chicken, fish AND venison. Truly a lifetime achievement.

Is that like turducken. Its called a Pobeechifison sammich.

Oh yes, and very popular among the morbidly obese across the world.

It can't be that good unless you add a thick slab of sositch!

At least he said "movie" experience instead of life experience . Its kinda not as pathetic somehow

Didn't he say he was going to start a family like five years ago? Still with the comic books

Piggy boy's treat fetish has likely lead to impotence

Her womb is so polluted.

I need to see what his chick looks like

Cannot comprehend the mindset of anyone remotely interested in seeing this. It's sickening that normal people will flock in droves simply because they're brainwashed by the marketing machinery. It's nothing but unsophisticated fan service catering to the lowest forms of nerdy, marshmallow manchildren. I dream of a day when regular dudes begin to demand more from their blockbusters and stop attending this faggy dreck out of misguided obligation. Seriously, fucking everybody gushed about how different and great part one was, and five minutes of it made me suicidal. Chris Pratt is a pitiful excuse for a new breed of leading man. We get it, everything's a joke. I've seen other movies with him and he's perpetually playing the same douche.

I finally watched the first one a few weeks back after all the hype. What an unbelievably underwhelming experience.

What if we made a superhero movie… But it had jokes?!

Humanity can't resist Disney.

You seem like the kinda fellow that enjoys the company of another man.

Sure in the vein of broship!

I just wish every once in a while there could be a blockbuster that had hair on its chest and wasn't just a checkoff list for appeasing retards and fertilizing an inescapable extended universe. Mad Max: Fury Road was spectacular and thrilling; its grosses paled in comparison to the nerdy pablum from that summer, which we've had countless regurgitations of since and nothing whatsoever of MM ilk.

I don't care that they make these shitty nerd movies, because fat-fitted slobs who've never touched a vagina need to be entertained too, but I resent them becoming the blockbuster standard. The regular people who patronize them casually and propel them to the upper tier of success are the real problem. It's depressing to think that anyone is seriously going to walk away from Guardians 2 deeming it a wondrous, magical, awe-inspiring experience. The conversations will all revolve around source material discrepancies, and mulling over ramifications for the next half dozen homogenized Marvel movies. Storytelling vitality and urgency takes a total backseat.

The DC movies are far more risible; their awful and inept brand keeps getting validated with huge financial gain because the core audience can't jeopardize being out of the story loop of the extended universe. The only way change occurs in Hollywood is when the money levels off even a little, and tastes always shift over time. The younger generations will hopefully take a stand and signify to the dinosaurs with their refusal to attend that this stuff isn't cool.

Nah man, you just seem like a bitter blitchy nerd who is looking for validation for your "superior" movie breakdowns and understanding. My wife and I turned off mad max because to me that was hyped up trash of a movie, could not stand it. But you will be happy to know we have watched guardians a number of times and enjoyed it everytime. But we're just blinded sheep perpetuating the Hollywood machine, amirite?

No, I'm with him. I'm 41 and could not imagine another man watching shit like this, let alone being excited about watching it.

You and your wife are cunts. Mad Max was awesome.

Nah yo, mad max really was trash........people liked it for the sake of liking it, it was cool that year to like it. There no way garbage like that will hold up over time.

maybe cunts is a little strong

The only decent comic book film ive seen was the new Dredd movie with Karl Urban. It was ultraviolent, straightforward and had none of the cringe moments comic movies have. 2 guys get skinned in the first ten minutes...yeah.

The only decent comic book film ive seen was the new Dredd movie with Karl Urban. It was ultraviolent, straightforward and had none of the cringe moments comic movies have. 2 guys get skinned in the first ten minutes...yeah.

I wish I was a simpleton like Eric.

Instead, I require two hookers and a kraton enema to feel alive.

You sir, are undoubtedly more sophisticated. Have gold 🥇🏅🏆

He's not simply, he's just numbing himself to the truth of his age and weight. Still love Erock, the only real radio person in the O&A universe.



--"please tell me what i "love" next.....(must be a new IPhone, Cronut, or SOMETHING you can tell me I love tomorrow"

Every fucking bore I know turns movie sequels/reboots into the cultural event of a lifetime.

Super hero movies and action figures. His parents must be so proud.

What if we made a superhero movie… But it had jokes?!

No, I'm with him. I'm 41 and could not imagine another man watching shit like this, let alone being excited about watching it.

You and your wife are cunts. Mad Max was awesome.