When Steven Crowder talks to young people do you think he sits backwards on a chair?

108  2017-04-27 by FunkyTreasure


He probably fingers his asshole when he talks to anyone. What I'm saying is you could drive a city bus into his ass and not notice

No no, not Gavin.

Gavins asshole could house a space shuttle assembly building

It's humorous watching Gavin speculate about getting a full time gig at Fox News while there are hours of footage out there of his asshole and pecker.

How did you find out about these "hours of footage"?

How do I get through to these kids...

how do i reeeeach these kids.

Better than the dildo-sitters who are their teachers

After turning his baseball cap backwards.

Maybe after he molests them

I feel like he definitely does

We should let the public in on this knowledge

Yes and his dick pops out through one the three slits in the back of the chair

as long as the chair is upside down, I don't think he cares.

Then you can seat four fellas, am I right guys?

He's a contrarian blow hard and I love that he gets under people's skin. That being said, he sits down to pee.

Get under people's skin? He almost cried on Joe Rogan because Rogain was apparently bullying him.

Yes, right before he lets them know how shit really is

hahaha.... But seriously you guys.

"Let's rap for a second."

Glad to see Scorch is finally getting some recognition!

I wouldn't wanna tangle with this guy he means business

I've never once searched out that cunt yet somehow he pops up In my YouTube recommendations

Ah, I too am racist.

Congratulation you're officially a member of the alt right

He arranges their seats in a semicircle first.

Sits back with his hands laced together

So he's probably cooking up a scheme to get people to protest one of his speeches?

I wish Crowder would timestamp when he does his bits between his videos so I can skip them.

Is he really that bad? Any examples? He seemed just slightly faggy on Rogan.

He did an awful "practised in the mirror a dozen times the night before but pretending I came up with it on the spot" rant about SJWs at some college talk. He was pacing back and forth on the stage as if he's fucking Bill Burr and just throwing out canned insults even though hardly any of them were relevant to what was actually happening in front of him.

And then the worst part of all, he uploaded the rant to youtube himself and titled it something like "Comedian OWNS liberals in an EPIC rant!"

I'm not even gonna link it because the douchechills around the whole thing are inhumanely bad.

I used to follow him on Facebook and he would re-share that video almost every week.

urgh, what an absolute bellend

I remember something with Gavin on their show where Gavin said men should make than their wives and Crowder saying he made less than his wife. I think Gavin was implying or even stating that women shouldn't aspire to be with someone who makes less than them. Anyway Crowder came off looking cucked.

I hate his breathing

He's sitting informally like us, let's see what he has to say

Fanily Guy used to be funny.

if you listen to Steven Crowder it's time to start stocking up on opiates until you have enough for that final dose

He has that annoying fucking Dane Cook personality where he just comes off like he's sped up all the time. He could add "bro" to the end of every sentence he says and it would sound natural.

Hes on adderall

Conservative here, i hope Crowder gets struck on the road side while changing a tire.

Louder with Crowder


He is The Young Turks of the right.

Crowder ain't got no sexy-ass uppity Armenian.

Yes, and then he storms about the room with a nice monologue about how so gosh darned wrong the left is!

You don't like his sick intro head-nod and dance?

Crowder's "conservative guy" character comes off like he's impersonating one of the Omega's from Animal House.

It's humorous watching Gavin speculate about getting a full time gig at Fox News while there are hours of footage out there of his asshole and pecker.

Glad to see Scorch is finally getting some recognition!