Scientists use same aging filter on Anthony. He doesn't look that different

23  2017-04-26 by Dennyislife


Without his individually placed follicles be would look exactly like the vulture he is.

eww what's that grody thing under his ear?

I dont get why the guy posts about his life knowing people are gonna smash him online.

Dude, the haters have ZERO effect on any of their lives...

Just a cool guy with a ''who gives a care '' attitude

Obviously he was never a looker but he really is gargoyle level ugly now. He's been getting gradually more revolting looking over the last couple of years. What is it? The booze catching up with him? The stress off having pissed away an easy, million dollar job and having a shitty network? He looks like, if you looked him in the eye, you could turn to stone.


Fucking ghoul

If he aged naturally, he would be full blown horseshoe bald with ghost white hair on the sides

Nice little break from chasing around Smurfs with Beavis.

If you look long enough, you can really see an old Sicilian peasant face.

Wow... Baba Yaga

Anthony's pedo cruise anthem

That song rocks way too hard to have anything to do with Ant but you get the idea, he's a child rapist.

I always loved Jerry Nolan's playing on that tune.

Italian men are supposed to be handsome but look at Joe and Ant. I could understand if they were Filipino or some shit like that but they just don't care about their looks.

Pitted, totally pitted

that one tentacle of follicles is getting a life of its own. If Ant's not careful he will succumb to graph v host syndrome. That follicle is sucking the life from him